Gallahue Cemetery

Name:Gallahue Cemetery
Location: Roane, West Virginia, USA
Notes:Gallahue/Douglas/Robey Family Cemetery is located on Windyville Road, across the road from the address 250 Windyville, where the old Gallahue home was. It is no longer there, and now holds modular home. The cemetery it is not visible from the road because of the pine trees. There is a right of way to walk up to the cemetery, but the hill is very steep. The cemetery set on top of the hill.

When Walter Gallahue passed away they used a horse and sled to take the coffin up to the cemetery. No family member attended the grave site, only the funeral directors and my grandfather, Brooks Davis, were witness. Anna's funeral was on the front porch of the Gallahue house.

This information submitted by Cindy Davis-Hill.

Media owner: Cindy Davis-Hill