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Little Creek / Triplett Baptist Church Records


The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in January 1871 and after Sermon by the Pastor from John the 15th Chap. And 12th verse proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we continue the cause of Brother Rola Wright to our next regular meeting. 3rd. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Eld. John Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met of Saturday before the first Sabbath in Feb 1871 and after Sermon by Brother Ferrell proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Called for refferences. 3rd. Res. that we forgive Brother Rola Wright. 4th. Res. that we Exclude Sister Emily Nutter. 5th Res. that we notify Elizabeth Wright to appear before the Church to answer the charge of Dancing. 6th Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sabbath The following persons were baptised: Joseph Corder, Robert Short, Susan Short, Frances Short.

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in March 1871 and after Singing and Prayer proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that Brother J. T. Bartlett be our Moderator. 2nd. Read the minutes of previous meeting. 3rd. Res. that we appoint a Com. To ascertain the facts in the case of Sister Elizabeth Wright whereon the Mod., appointed the following individuals: C. Tyson, W. Beckner, M. Walker, T. F. Bartlett, G. G. Springston, Jemima Tyson, Clara Daniell. 4th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/J. T. Bartlett, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in April 1871 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd Hear the report of the Com. And discharge same. 3rd. Res. that we Exclude Sister Elizabeth Wright on the charge preferred against her. 4th. Extend the hand of fellowship to Sisters Susan Short and Frances Short and to Brethern Robert Short and Joseph Corder. 5th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular business meeting.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in May 1871 and after Sermon by Brother J. M. Farell proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that Brother Ferrell be our Mod. 2nd. Res. that we order the Treasurer to forward money collected for State Mission to the Convention at Parkersburg. 3rd. Res. that we appoint Brother Washington Beckner as a Delegate to the Convention. 4th. Res. that five dollars of the money be applied to the first installment to make Brother Beckner a life member of said convention. 5th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Brother J. M. Ferrell, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met according to the previous adjournment on Saturday before the first Sabbath in June 1871 and after Sermon by Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd. Hear the report of the delegate to the State Convention. 3rd. Hear the report of the Treasurer who reported he had received $34.05 cents on Pastor's salary for the present year. 4th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting for business.
/s/John Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in July 1871 and after Sermon by Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Open the door of the church. 3rd. Res. that we take up the case of Elija Tanner. 4th. Res. that we appoint a Com. To notify him to appear at our next regular meeting whereon the Moderator appointed Brother J. T. Bartlett as said committee. 5th. Res. that we appoint a Com. To notify Brother P. G. Hayes to appear at our next regular meeting to answer to the charge against him whereon the Mod. Appointed Brother W. Beckner as said Com. 6th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in Aug 1871 and after Sermon by Brother J. M.. Ferrell proceeded to business.1st. Read the minutes of the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that Brother Ferrell be our Moderator. 3rd. Hear the report of the Committee and discharge same. 4th. Res. that we Exclude Brother P. G. Hayes. 5th. Res. that we refer the cause of Brother Tanner to our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Brother J. M. Ferrell, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

P.S. Sixth Res. that we elect Delegates to the Association whereon the following Brethern were chosen: W. T. Bartlett, George Short and G. G. Springston.

The Church met on the first Saturday in September 1871 and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd Res. that we adopt the letter to the Association. 3rd Res. that we refer the cause of Brother Elija Tanner to our next regular meeting. 4th Res. that we elect a Pastor whereon the Teller, Brother J. T. Bartlett announced the unanimous election of Brother J. Stump. 5th Res. that the Church meet on Saturday next in Com. of the whole to investigate the difficulty between brother Wm. Springston and Brother J. T. Bartlett, Brother Mace and Brother G. G. Springston. 6th Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch. Clk

Sabbath Res. that we receive Sister Ferma Brown on her letter of Recommendation.

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in October 1871 and after Sermon by Brother J. M. Wood proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that Brother Wood be our Moderator. 2nd. Hear the report of the Com. And discharge same, whereon the Com., G. G. Springston reported that he had endeavored to notify Brother Elija Tanner, but he left the County. 3rd. Hear the report of the Committee of the Whole. _______presented the following resolutions which were adopted: 1st. Res. that it was through a misunderstanding. 2nd. Res. that the church had received the entire ______of Mary Daniell through Brother Wm. Springston and it was wrong to make the matter known outside the church until steps had been taken within the _____of the Church. 4th. Res. that we Exclude Brother Elijah Tanner on the charges of Absence and ______being a member of the Church. 5th. Res. that we adjourn to our next meeting.
/s/Brother J. M. Wood, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in Nov. 1971 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Attend to the finances of the Church. 3rd. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in December 1871 and after Singing and Prayer proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that Brother J. T. Bartlett be our Moderator. Res. that Brother G. G. Springston be a Committee to visit Sister Emily Springston to notify her to appear at our next regular meeting to answer the charge of Dancing. 4th. Res. that Brother G. G. Springston be a Committee to visit Sister Richardson on the same charge, Viz. Dancing. 5th. Res. that we Exclude Sisters Margaret and Missouri Wright on the charge of Dancing. 6th.Res. that Brother George Short be a Committee to visit Brother Siana Miller and wife on a charge of delinquency. 7th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/J. T. Bartlett, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk


The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in Jan/72 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we suspend the rules in regard to Refferences. 3rd. Res. that we receive Sister Sarah Lynch on her letter of Recommendation. 4th. Res. that we grant a letter of Recommendation to Brother W. Beckner and wife. 5th. Res. that we receive the report of Brother G. G. Springston and discharge same. 6th. Res. that we Exclude Sister Emily Springston on the charge of Dancing. 7th. Res. that we Exclude Sister Richardson on the charge of Dancing. 8th. Res. that we receive the report of the Com. Brother Geo. Short and discharge the same. 9th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. S. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in February 1872 and after Sermon proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/S. P. Beckner, Asst Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in March 1872 and after Sermon by the Pastor Eld. J. Stump proceeded to business. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Read the certificate of Brother Washington Beckner and wife into the Tanner's Run Church, Gilmer Co., W. Va. 3rd. Resolved that we Exclude Sister Siana Miller. 4th. Res. that we appoint a Com. to examine the Church Record whereon the Mod. Appointed Brethern J. T. Bartlett, C. Tyson, and J. P. Beckner. 5th. Res. that there be a Com. appointed to visit Brother John Wine, Bro. Geo. Short Com. 6th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in April 1872 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Open the door of the church. 3rd. Res. that we receive Brother George Deverick to the Ordinance of Baptism. 4th Hear the report of the Committee appointed to examine the Church Record and discharge same. 5th. Res. that we continue the Com. Brother George Short. 6th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in May 1872 and after Sermon by the Pastor, Elder. J. Stump proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we receive the report of the Com. Brother Geo. Short and discharge same. 3rd. Res. that we Exclude Brother John Wine on the charge of admitting a Dance in his house. 4th. Res. that we change the hour of holding church meetings from Eleven Oclock A.M. to Two Oclock P.M. 5th. Res. that Brother J. P. Bartlett be a Committee to visit Brother Bazel Wright and wife. 6th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. John Stump, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in June 1872 and after Sermon by Eld. J. Stump proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Hear the report of the Com. J. P. Bartlett and discharge same. 3rd. Res. that we forgive Brother B. Wright and his wife of the charge against them, Viz. admitting Dancing in their house. 4th. Res. that the Deacons be a Com. to take names of those who will help to entertain the Sabbath School Convention. 5th. Res. that Brother J. P. Bartlett superintend the work on the meeting house. 6th. Adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in July 1872 and after Sermon by the pastor Eld. J. Stump proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Hear the report of the Com. J. T. Bartlett and Wm. Springston and discharge same. 3rd Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Aug. 3, 1872 The Church met according to adjournment and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Res. that we elect delegates to the Association whereon the following Brethern were chosen: T. H. Springston, L. P. Beckner, and George Short. Alternates J. T. Bartlett and any other brother. 2nd Res. that a Committee be appointed to visit Brother George Wright to notify him to appear before the Church to answer to the charge of Swearing., brother Harriss Committee. 3rd Res. that we table the reso,utin offered by Brother Wm. Springston. 4th Res. that we elect a Pastor whereon brother Stump was chosen. 5th Res. that we make the election of Brother Stump unanimous. 6th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in September 1872 and after Sermon by the Pastor, Eld. J. Stump, proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd Res. that we receive the report of the Committee Brother Harris and discharge the same, 3rd Res. that we refer the case of Brother George Wright to our next regular meeting for business. 4th Res. that Breth. G. G. Springston and Wm. Harris be a committee to notify brother Wright of the continuance of his case and also to let the Witnesses know of the same. 5th Res. that we adjourn until our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Eld. John Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met according to adjournment on Saturday before the first Sabbath in November 1872 and after reading a portion of Scripture and Sing and Prayer by Brother J. P. Beckner proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that Brother A. Springston be our Mod. 2nd. Res. that we grant a letter of Dismission to Brother A. Springston and his wife, Brother Isaac Greathouse and wife and Sisters Sarah Connoly and Rachael Bennett to constitute a Church at Cedar Grove, Calhoun County, W. Va. 3rd Res. That Brother Isaac Greathouse be a Com. to visit Brother Wm. Tanner to notify him to appear before the Church to answer to the charge of Shootin at a match for a wager and other immoralities and also Brother Rola Wright and wife on a charge of Swearing. 4th Res. that Brother S. P. Beckner be a Committee to visit Brother Miles Miller and to notify him to appear before the Church on a charge of Fornication. 5th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Brother A. Springston, Mod Pro Tem /s/G.G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on November the 30th, 1872 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Hear the report of the Com. I. Greathouse and discharge the same. 3rd. Res. that we Exclude Brother Wm. Tanner on the charge preferred against him. 4th. Res. that we Exclude Brother Rola Wright on the charges against him. 5th. Res. that we forgive Sister Minerva Wright. 6th. Res. that we Exclude Sister Lottie Connoly on the charge against her. 7th. Hear the report of Brother L. P. Beckner and discharge the same. 8th . Res. that we Exclude Brother Miles Miller on the charge preferred against him. 9th. Res. that we restore Sister Richardson. 10th. Res. that we Restore Sister Bird Springston. 11th. Res. that we grant a letter of Dismission to Sisters Richardson and Bird Springston. 12th. Res. that G. G. Springston be a Com. to visit brother Andrew Wright. 13th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Wed. Dec. the 4th, 1872 Res. that we receive Deacon Harbert and wife on their letter of Dismission. 2nd. Res. that we receive Sister Alice Springston for Baptism.

During the Protracted Meeting the following persons were received for Baptism: Franklin Daniell, Benah Depew, Ellona Tyson, Fielding Boggs, Similda Depew, Similda Jane Harris, Josephine Greathouse, Oscar Goodwin, Huldah Norman, and on the Sabbath the following were baptised and received by the hand of fellowship:
Franklin Daniell, Fielding Boggs, Benah Depew, Similda Depew, Alice Springston, Elizabeth Tanner.
/s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

S. B. Res. that we Restore Sister Sianna Miller


The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in January 1873 and after Sermon by Eld. J. Stump proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Receive Brethern G. T. West and Wm. C. Greathouse to the ordinance of Baptism. 3rd. Res. that we receive the report of the Com. G. G. Springston and discharge same. 4th. Res. that we forgive Brother A. Wright. 5th. Res. that Sister Andrew Wright be a Com. to visit Sister Mary C. Wright to notify her to appear before the Church to answer the charge of Immoral Conduct. 6th. Res. That we grant Brother Smith the opportunity of representing the State Mission Cause on tomorrow. 8th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sabbath The following persons were Baptised: G. T. West, Wm. C. Greathouse, Oscar Goodwin, Elana Tyson, Huldah Norman, Josephine Greathouse.

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in Feb. 1873 and after Reading, Singing and Prayer proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that Brother J. T. Bartlett be our Moderator. 2nd. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 3rd. Res. that we refer the Cause of Sister Mary C. Wright. 4th. Res. that we receive the Certificate from the Cedar Grove Church except�Sister Emily Wright. 5th. Res. that we notify Cedar Grove Church that we did not indorse their action in the cause of Sister Emma Wright. 6th. Res. that we grant Brother Harris his request, viz. That Brother Stump may preach on Spring Creek if he is so disposed. 6th. Res. that Mr. Craig be our Sexton for the coming year. 7th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/J. T. Bartlett, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met March the 1st 1873 and after Sermond by the Pastor Eld. J. Stump proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Hear the report of the Com. Sister Andrew Wright and discharge the same. 3rd. Res. that we Exclude Sister Mary C. Wright. 4th. Res. that G. G. Springston be a Committee to notify the Cedar Grove Church. 5th. Res. that there be a Committee to visit Sister Emily Wright, Sister Lizzie Bartlett Com. 6th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

S. B. Res. that we grant a letter of Dismission and Recommendation to Brother Lemuel Marks

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in April 1873 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Hear the report of the Com. G. G. Springston and discharge the same. 3rd. Hear the report of the Com. Sister Lizzie Bartlett and discharge the same. 4th. Res. that we Exclude Sister Emily Wright on the charge preferred against her. 5th. Res. that we recognize Cedar Grove Church as a Regular Baptist Church. 6th. Res. that the Clerk take a collection each Saturday for Incidental Expenses. 7th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Collected for Incidental expenses, 22 Cents

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in May 1873 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Hear the report of the Treasurer who reports $50.69 Cents paid to Pastor. 3rd. Collected $1.33 for Incidental Expenses. 4th. Resolved that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in June 1873 and after Sing and Prayer proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that Brother C. Tyson be our Moderator. 2nd. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 3rd. Receive Sister Semilda J. Harris by the hand of fellowship. 4th. Received a letter from Brother Franklin Daniell. 5th Res. that we take one dollar of the Incidental Fund to buy Testaments for the destitute members of the Church. 6th. Collected 55 Cents for incidental Expenses. 7th. Res. that we adjourn
/s/C. Tyson, Moderator /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sabbath Res. that we grant a letter of Dismission to Sister Castina Greathouse.

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in July 1873 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we elect delegates to the Association. 3rd. Res. that we elect them by ballot whereon the Clerk announced the election of Brethern J. T. Bartlett, Wm. Springston, L. P. Beckner and Brother Harbert Alternate. 4th. Collected 50 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 5th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sabbath Received Sister Sarah Hanger on her letter of recommendation.

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in August 1873 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Hear the report of the Treasurer who reported $50.69 paid to Pastor. 3rd. Collected 50 cents for Incidental Expenses. 4th. Res. that we adjourn until our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sabbath Received Brother Walker for Baptism.

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in September 1873 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Collected 78 cts. For Incidental Expenses. 3rd. Resolved we adopt the letter to the Association. 4th. Res. that we appropriate 1 dollar 50 Cents of the incidental fund to pay for minutes. 5th. Res. that we invite the Association to meet with us next year. 6th. Res. that we elect a Pastor whereon Eld. J. Stump was elected. 7th. Res. that we appoint Sollicitors to obtain subscriptions for Pastor's Salary, namely J. T. Bartlett, J. Mace and Wm. Springston. 8th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod./s/S. P. Beckner, Asst Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in October 1873 and after Sermon by Rev. H. Cofer proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that Rev. H. Cofer be our Mod. 2nd. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 3rd. Hear the report of the Delegates to the Association. 4th. Collected 50 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 5th. Res. that Brother J. T. Bartlett be a Committee to prepare the meeting house. 6th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. H. Cofer, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in November 1873 and after Prayer by Brother Josephus Short proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that Brother C. Tyson be our Mod. 2nd. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 3rd. Hear the report of the Com. J. T. Bartlett and discharge the same. 4th. Res. that we receive Sisters Dorotha Parsons and Sarah Connoley on their Letters of Recommendation. 5th. Collected 87 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 6th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Brother C. Tyson, Mod. /s/S. P. Beckner

The Church met on the 1st Sabbath in Dec. 1873 and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Collected 13 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 3rd. Res. that we continue Brother J. T. Bartlett as a Committee. 4th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

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