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Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 198
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Published Date: 2008/11/20 11:03:17
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The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in January 1874 and after Singing and Prayer proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that Brother Harbert be our Mod. 2nd. Read the minutes f the previous meeting. 3rd. Received notice of the Reception of Sister Castina Greathouse into the Spencer Church. 4th. Res. that we instruct the Treasurer to forward the ______herein Mission Fund that he has in his hands to the Foreign Mission Board. 5th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/L. E. Harbert, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sabbath Res. that we grant a letter of Dismissal to Sister Sarah E. Lynch.

The Church met according to adjournment on Saturday before the first Sabbath in February 1874 and after Sermon by the Pastor, Eld. J. Stump, proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we unite with Spencer, Flat Fork and Rush Creek Churches or as many of them as will unite with us for the purpose of Calling and Supporting a Pastor, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to each of the churches. 3rd. Res. that we forgive brother James Clevenger. 4th. Res. that Mr. Craig be our Sexton for the term of one year. 5th Res. that the Treasurer pay the Sexton three Dollars in quarterly payments. 6th. Collected Seventy Cents for incidental expenses. 7th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in March 1874 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that we receive Sister Walker for the ordinance of Baptism. 2nd. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 3rd. Res. that there be a Committee of 3 appointed to meet with the Spencer Church and Delegates from Sister Churches for the proposing of some person for the Pastor of this Church and the other Churches that will unite with us. 4th. Res. that Brethern J. T. Bartlett, J. Mace, and G. G. Springston be that Com. 5th. Res. that we grant a letter of Dismission to Brother Thomas Showen. 6th. Res. that we consider the Resolution (declaring that no member shall be Excluded without being notified if possible of the Offense charged against them) which resulted in the sustaining of the latter as the law of the Church. 7th. Collected 20 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 7th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sabbath Received a Note from Brethern Wm. C. Greathouse and James Hall of their whereabouts and desires in regards to the Church.

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in April 1874 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Hear the report of the Committee and discharge same. 3rd. Res. that we take the For and Against Brother Stump for Pastor of the Churches which have entered into a Confederacy which resulted in a unanimous vote for Brother Stump. 4th. Collected 23 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 5th Res. that we make nul and void all resolutions and laws spread upon our records which are not in harmony with the laws of God and may conflict with each other and henceforth be governed in the transactions of all of the business of the Church toward each other by the laws of God alone as handed down to us in His Divine Word. 6th. Res. that there be a Committee of three to examine the Church Book and report at our next meeting. Committee appointed, Viz. J. T. Bartlett, S. J. Beckner and C. Tyson. 7th. Resolved that we receive Sister Nancy Ann Springston for the ordinance of Baptism. 8th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sabbath Baptised Sister Nancy Ann Springston

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in May 1874 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Extend the hand of fellowship to Sister Nancy Ann Springston. 3rd. Res. to hear the report of the Committee and discharge same. 4th. Res. that we make out and rec'd the 5th Resolution of the October meeting 1872 found on Page 40th. 5th. Res. that we make nul and void 12th Article of the Rules of Decorum. 6th. Hear the report of the Treasurer who reported $10.00 paid for the Pastor. 7th. Received as collected 26 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 8th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Pastor /s/G. G. Springston Ch Clk

Sabbath Baptised Brother and Sister Walker. Also Received Sister Lina Springston for Baptism

The Church met of Saturday before the first Sabbath in June 1874 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd Collected 13 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 3rd. Resolved that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

July the 5th 1874
The Church met according to adjournment and after Singing and Prayer proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that Brother S. P. Beckner be our Moderator. 2nd. Res. that we release the Clerk from taking up the collection for Incidental Expenses. 4th. Res. that the Assistant Clerk take up the collection for Incidental Expenses. 5th. Hear the report of the Treasurer on Incidental Expenses. Received $7.40 paid out $7.35. Balance remaining 5 Cents. 6th Collected 18 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 7th. Res. that we adjourn
/s/Brother S. P. Beckner, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

August the 1st 1874
The Church met according to adjournment and after Sermond by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Collected 17 Cents for incidental expenses. 3rd. Res. that we elect our delegates to the Association whereon the Teller announced the election of Brethern L. E. Harbert, J. T. Bartlett, _______, and J. H. Springston, Alternate. 4th. Res. that brother J. T. Bartlett prepare the Letter to the Association. 5th Res. That we elect a Pastor by ballot. The Teller announced the election of Eld. J. Stump. 6th. Res. that we prepare dinner on the ground at the Association. 7th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in September 1874 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that the query be appended to the letter to the Association. 3rd. Res. that we adopt the letter to the Association. 4th. Res. brother T. F. Bartlett collect the fund used for Incidental Expenses. 5th. Collected 35 Cents for Incidentals. 6th. Res. that we use enough of the incidental fund if necessary to meet the amount paid for minutes $1.50. 7th. Res. that the Treasurer charge the Church with amount he paid for nails for the meeting house. 8th. Res. that we pay our Pastor Quarterly. 9th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting for business.
Eld. J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in October 1874. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Hear the report of the delegation to the Association and discharge same. 3rd. Collected 33 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 4th. Resolved that we appoint a Committee to visit Brother B. Depue to notify him to appear before the Church on the charge of Dancing and other Immoralities. Appointed Brother T. F. Bartlett as Committee. 5th. Res. that we appoint a Committee to visit Brother John Wine to notify him to appear before the Church on a charge of Fighting. Brother G. W. Short Committee. 6th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Eld./ J. Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on the first Sabbath Nov 1874 and after Sermon by Eld. Jonathan Smith proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that Bro. Smith be our Mod. 2nd. Res. that we continue the Committee J. F. Bartlett. 3rd. Hear the report of brother George Short and discharge same. 4th./ Res. that we Exclude Brother Thomas Wine. 5th. Res. that we appoint a Committee to visit Sister Cora and Minerva Wright, Brother J. T. Bartlett. 6th. Collected 19 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 7th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
Eld. Jonathan Smith, Mod. /s/J. C. Bartlett, Clk Protem

December the 5th 1874
The Church met according to adjournment and after Sermon by the Pastor, Eld. John Stump, proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Hear the report of the Committee T. F. Bartlett and discharge the same. 4th. Res. that we Exclude Brother B. Depue on the charge of Dancing. 5th. Hear the report of brother J. T. Bartlett and discharge the same. 6th. Res. that we Exclude the following Brethern and Sisters on a charge of Dissension, Namel;y, Jesse Tanner, Sarah Tanner, Elizabeth Tanner, Andrew Wright, Minerva Tanner, Cora Wright, Huldah Wright, Charles Hanger, Martha Miller, Fielding Boggs. 7th. Res. that we receive Sister Craft on her letter of Recommendation. 8th. Res. that we grant a letter of Dismission to Sister Frances J. Brown. 9th. Res. that we accept the Resignation of Brother J. Stump. 10th. Res. that we elect a Pastor. Brother J. T. Bartlett teller announced the election of Brother H. Cofer which was made unanimous. 11th. Res. that we Exclude brother Wm. H. Short on a charge of Dissension. 12th. Collected 31 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 13th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/John Stump, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sabbath Dec. 6th
Whereas Elder Brother John Stump who has served us as Pastor for near Eleven years and Sacrificed much for us and the Cause of Christ in our midst and whereas there is destitution in other Churches near his home and other ministers near us whose labors may be secured profitable perhaps to us. He has asked the Church to take into consideration the propriety of releacing him. The Church taking the matter into consideration has with reluctance accepted his resignation. Praying God's blessing may attend him wherever he goes. Therefore Resolved that we tender brother Stump our sincere thanks for his labors in our midst for these many years and for his sacrifices and toils for the sake of Christ in our midst. 2nd. Baptised Perlina Springston.
/s/Eld. John Stump, Pastor and Mod. /s/ G. G. Springston, Ch Clk


January the 11th 1875
The Church met according to adjournment and after Sermond by the Pastor Eld. H. Cofer proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Re. That we Exclude Brother Martin Mace on the charge of _____Swearing. 3rd. Res. that we Exclude Sister Eliza Radabaugh on the charge of Immoral Conduct. 4th. Res. that we Exclude Sister Eliza Wright on the charge of Dissension. 5th. Res. that we Exclude Brother Samuel Miller because he was dissatisfied in the Church. 6th. Resolved that Brother James T. Bartlett be a Committee to raise funds for our Pastor. 7th. Res. that we pay our Pastor quarterly. 8th. Collected 69 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 9th. Res. that we adjourn to Saturday before the second Sabbath in February.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Feb. the 12th 1875
The Church met according to adjournment and after Sermon by the Pastor brother H. Cofer, proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we Exclude Brother George Tanner because he desired to be released from the Church. 3rd. Collected 30 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 4th. Res. that we Exclude Sister Sianna Miller. 5th. Res. that Brother J. T. Bartlett be a Com to visit brother F. West. 6th. Res. that we buy a Bible at $1.90. 7th. Res. that we buy 1 dozen Hymn Books at $4.50. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met according to adjournment on Saturday before the Second Sabbath in March 1875 and after Sermon by the Pastor, Brother H. Cofer, proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we receive the report of the Com. brother J. T. Bartlett and discharge same. 3rd. Res. that we forgive Brother G. T. West. 4th. Collected 30 cents for incidental expenses. 5th Res. that we grant Sister Ada A. Hinkle a letter of Dismission and Recommendation. 6th. Res. that we appoint Sister Tyson as Com. to visit Sister Simmons. 7th. Receive Sister Perlina Springston by the hand of Fellowship. 8th. Res. that brother Tyson be a Com. to visit Brother G. T. West. 9th, Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/Brother Harry Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Received notice of the Reception of Brother James Showen into the Leading Creek Church.

April the 10th 1875
The Church met and after Sermon y the Pastor Brother H. Cofer, proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Hear the report of the Com. Sister Tyson and discharge the same. Res. that we forgive Sister Simmons (upon her positively denying the Crime which Common Rumor had charged her with). 4th. Hear the report of the Com. Brother Tyson and discharge the same. 5th. Res. that we forgive Brother G. T. West. 6th. Collected 26 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 7th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Elder H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

May the 8th 1875
The Church met and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Received notice of the Reception of Sister Hinkle by the Spencer Church. 3rd. Res. that we Exclude Sister Nancy Jane Short. 4th. Res. that we Exclude Brother T. H. Springston. 5th. Collected 10 Cents for Incidental expenses. 6th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/Brother H. Cofer, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

June the 12th 1875
The Church met according to adjournment and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Collected 34 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 3rd. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Brother H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sabbath, June the 13th 1875
Res. that we receive brother David Craft for Baptism.
/s/ Brother H. Cofer, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

July the 15th 1875
The Church met according to adjournment and after Sermon by the Pastor, Brother H. Cofer, proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we receive Sister Mary Jane Wade on her letter of Recommendation and David Craft by the hand of Fellowship. 3rd. Res. that we Exclude Brother Hendred Short and wife. 4th. Collected 26 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 5th. Res. that we grant Brother George Devrick and wife a letter of Recommendation. 6th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in August 1875 and after Sermon by the Pastor bro. H. Cofer, proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. (deleted). 3rd. Res. that we Exclude Sister Sarah A. Short. 4th. Res. that Sister Nancy A. Springston be a Com. to visit Sister Dollie Parsons. 5th. Res. that brethern J. T. Bartlett, J. C. Bartlett and Joseph Corder be our delegates to the Association (or any other brother as alternate). 6th. Hear the report of the Treasurer who reported $31.75 paid to Brother Cofer and 25 Cents in the treasury for Incidental Expenses. 7th. Collected 19 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 5th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sept. 11, 1875
The Church met according to adjournment and after Sermon by the Pastor, Brother H. Cofer, proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Hear the report of the Committee Nancy Ann Springston and discharge the same. 3rd. Res. that Sister Lizzie Bartlett be a Com. to visit Sister Parsons. 4th. Hear the report of the delegates to the association. 5th. Collected 26 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 6th. Received notice of the Reception of Brother George Devrick and wife into the Henry's Fork Church. 7th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Oct. the 9th 1875
The Church met according to adjournment and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we receive the report of the Com. Lizzie Bartlett and discharge the same. 3rd Res. that we forgive Sisters Alice Springston and Dollie Parsons. 4th. Collected 17 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 5th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sabbath Nov. the 7th 1875 at a Called Meeting 1st. Res. that Brother J. T. Bartlett be our Moderator. 2nd. Res. that Brother J T. Bartlett be a Com. to repair the meeting house. 3rd. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/J. T. Bartlett, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on November 13th, 1875 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Collected 73 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 3rd. Res. that brother T. F. Bartlett make hooks to support the stove pipe. 4th. Res. that Brother William Springston be a Committee to visit Brother Jonathan Smith to obtain his services at the Protracted Meeting. 5th. Res. that Brother Wm. Springston be our Sexton for the coming year. 6th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

During the Protracted Meeting, Sister Jemima Corder was received on her letter of Recommendation also the following persons were received for Baptism and were Baptized: Daniel Stallman, James Carpenter, Charlotte Carpenter, Theodocia Bartlett, John Bartlett, Elmore Norman, Lee Springston, Clara Springston, William Craft, Emma Tyson, also Samuel Miller, Sianna Miller, Miles Miller and Mary Short were restored to the fellowship of the Church and Arnold Starcher and L. D. Starkey were received for Baptism.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Dec the 5th 1875
The Church met according to adjournment and after Singing and Prayer proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that brother Tyson be our Mod. 2nd Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 3rd. Res. that we elect a Pastor whereon the Teller announced Brother Cofer elected by a unanimous vote. 4th. Collected 6 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 5th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Brother C. Tyson, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

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