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Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 182
Audience : All
Version 1.00.05
Published Date: 2008/11/20 7:30:00
Reads : 10825

Source ------- Roane County Historical Society - Spencer, WV
Newsletter -- The Roane County Journal - Volume 2, Number 2, Page 26-29
Date --------- Winter 1994

History Update on Spencer State Hospital

In October 1993 the city of Spencer held an auction at the former State Hospital, in which nearly everything on the property was for sale. Everything from patient x-rays, office furniture, light fixtures, mortuary equipment, kitchen utensils, to the pine, oak and maple trees from the grounds.

A recent grant from the state provided $750,000 toward the hospital's demolition. A developer is being sought to contribute additional funds to complete site preparations. The auction was a prelude to what city officials hope will be an economic development on the site.

Sadly, yet another of Roane County's historic landmarks will be no more. However, on a happier note, the Spencer State Hospital whistle, a familiar part of life in the Spencer area for years, has found a new home at the Monarch Rubber Company. The whistle was blown at 8 a.m., noon, 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. during its days at the hospital, which ended with that facility's closing. The Monarch Rubber Company will follow the whistle's old hospital schedule, with a day shift employee handling the first two blasts and a worker on evening shift taking care of the final two 15-second soundings. The community owes Monarch a big "thank-you" for preserving a little part of our past.

Obtaining copies of records

Files were microfilmed and are now stored at Lakin State Hospital and the contact person can be reached at 304-675-0860. Requests should be sent to her attention at Lakin State Hospital, 1 Bateman Circle, Lakin, West Virginia.....25287. Those seeking information need to know that there is a $15.00 research fee and then possibly a per copy charge. They need to send as much information as possible such a the name of the patient, birth and death dates, home address at admission, approximate date of admission etc.......I was informed that some files can be extensive where others may be only a few pages. I was also given the case number by calling the West Virginia State Archives and they connected me to another department that holds the admission books. By knowing the approximate dates she was able to give me the case number and basic information. However the actual patient records are kept confidential and are available only to family member that is the Executor of the persons estate or they must obtain a Court Order.

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Recommended Reading
External Link Spencer State Hospital Bridgeway Collapse, Jun 1948
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Published: 02/12/2021 20:55  
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Joined: 02/12/2021
Comments: 1
 Patient List - Deaths - Interments at Hospital Cmty
Does anyone know where I can look at a list of people who are buried in the Spencer State Hospital Cemetery or a list of people who died there or who were released to go home ... Thank you
Published: 07/08/2021 9:37  
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Joined: 07/08/2021
Comments: 1
 State Hospital Records
Hello - Looking for any info, death, census for Addison (Adison) Keeney. 1900 census has him at the Insane Hospital in Roane County. Thank you.
Published: 07/19/2022 15:16  
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Joined: 07/19/2022
Comments: 1
 William Elsworth Lee
hi there, hoping you can share some light on this guy. He was my 5th cousin three times removed. Hope to hear from you soon.
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