lst .... Every session shall be opened and closed with prayer.
2nd .... The Pastor shall be Moderator only in his absence or at his insistence, another one to be appointed.
3rd .... The Moderator shall invite members of other churches of our order to the Counsel of the Church.
4th .... At the opening of each Session the Clerk shall read the rules with the Minutes of the last Session.
5th .... All business shall be presented by motion or resolution and no Second Leading motion shall be entertained until the first is disposed of.
6th .... No member shall be allowed to speak more than twice on the same subject without leave of the Church and should unchristian language be used in debate without the censure of the Church.
(Note: These rules were obviously copied from another manuscript. This rule is not complete, and Articles 7 & 8 are missing)
9th .... These rules may be altered at the discretion of the Church in regular Session.
10th .... Three male members shall constitute a quorum at a regular meeting and five at a called one.
Amendment to Rules of Order
11th .... This Church shall not take up or consider any Queries brought up by her members in mere matters of difficulty acruing between two or more members or between her members and the ; members of other Churches. Until Regular Gospel Steps have been taken believing it better in all cases that members in adjusting of difficulties should first take regular Gospel Steps as laid down in Math. the 18th Chapter "Moreover to"
12th .... Also when there is an offense Committed against the Law of God and not against a Single individual the discoverer Shall tell it to the Pastor or Deacons and they shall dispose of it in their wisdom think best.