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Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 198
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Version 1.00
Published Date: 2008/11/20 11:03:17
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The Church met January 8th 1876. 1st. Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd. Received Brother L. D. Starkey by the hand of Fellowship. 3rd. Res. that we receive Sister Nancy Starcher for Baptism. 4th. Collected 26 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 5th. Res. that we appoint a Committee to visit Brother William Showen (brother C. Tyson Com.) 6th. Res. that we appoint a Com to visit Sister Depue (Sister Amanda Simmons Com.) 7th. The Treasurer reported $1.00 of Incidental fund. 8th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Brother H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

February the 15th/76
TheChurch met and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we retain the Com. Brother C. Tyson. 3rd. Res. that we retain the Com. Sister Simmons. 4th. Res. that Brother Wm. Springston be a Com. to raise funds for the Pastor. 5th. Collected 25 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 6th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

March the 11th, 1876
The Church met and after Singing and Prayer proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that brother J. T. Bartlett be our Mod. 2nd. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 3rd. Res. that we discharge Com. Brother Tyson. 4th. Res. that we refer the cause of Brother Showen to our next meeting. 5th. Res. that brother G. W. Short be a com. to notify brother Showen. 6thRes. That brother G. G. Springston be a com. tonotify brother George Hoff that brother Showen denyes the charge against him. 7th. Res. that we continue the com. Sister Simmons. 8th. Hear the report of brother Wm. Springston who reported $37.00 Subscription for the Pastor. 9th. Res. that we grant brother Goodwin a letter. 11th. Res. that brother Tyson be a com. to ascertain the amount brother Cofer will preach for us this year. 12th. Res. brother T. Bartlett prepare a box for our books. 13th. Pay brother Wm. Springston $1.00 for services as Sexton. 14th. Brother G. W. Short $3.00 for year as Sexton. 15th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/J. T. Bartlett, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on April 8th and after Sermon by the Pastor, Eld. H. Cofer, proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Hear the report of the Com. G. W. Short and discharge same. 3rd. Hear the report of the Com. G. G. Springston and discharge same. 4th. Res. that we Exclude brother Wm. Showen on the charge of Drunkenness. 5th. Hear the report of the Com. Sister Simmons and discharge same. 6th. Res. that we Exclude Sister Depue on the charge of Dancing. 7trh. Hear the report of brother Wm. Springston who reported $47.95 subscribed for Pastor. 6th. Res. that we grant letters of Dismission to brethren and Sister Crafts and Sister Wade. 9th. Res. that we recommend brother L. D. Starkey to the Cole's Mouth High School. 10th. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sabbath Baptised Brother and Sister Starcher

May the 13th 1876
The Church met and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd. Give the charge and extend the hand of Fellowship to Brother Arnold Starcher and wife. 3rd. Hear and receive the report brother Tyson and discharge the same. 4th. Hear and receive the report of the com brother Tyson and discharge same. 4th Hear the report of the com. brother T. F. Bartlett and allow him 75 Cents. 6th Hear the report of brother Wm. Springston who reported $51.00 subscribed for Pastor's salary. 6th. Collected 23 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 7th Adjourned.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

June the 10th 1876
The Church met and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business.1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we meet next Saturday to Underpin the Meeting House. Brother Wm. Springston to superintend the same. 4th. Collected 20 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 5th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on July the 8th 1876 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we appoint our Delegates to the Association whereon the following brethren were appointed, viz. Wm. Springston, L. D. Starkey, and J. C. Bartlett (or any other brother of our body as Alternate). 3rd. Collected 37 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 4th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

August the 12th 1876
The Church met and after Singing and Prayer proceeded to business. 1st. Res. That brother J. T. Bartlett be our Mod. 2nd. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 3rd. Res. that we adopt the letter to the Association. 4th. Res. that we use the Incidental Fund for minutes. 5th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/J. T. Bartlett, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

September the 9th, 1876
The Church met and after Singing and Prayer proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that Brother J. T. Bartlett be our Moderator. 2nd. Read the minutes of previous meeting. 3rd. Hear the report of the Delegates to the Association, whereon brother Wm. Springston reported an interesting session. 4th. Collected 17 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 5th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Brother J. T. Bartlett, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Oct. the 7th 1876
The Church met and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd. Received 25 Cents from W. T. Craig. 3rd. Collected 36 Cents Incidental Expenses. 4th. Res. that Brother S. P. Beckner Com. to Solicit funds for Missionary purposes. 5th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

November the 11th 1876
The Church met and after Singing and prayer proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that Brother Connoly be our Moderator. 2nd. Read the minutes of previous meeting. 3rd. Collected 56 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 4th. The Treasurer reported $27.35 paid to the Pastor and also 73 Cents in Incidental Fund. 5th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Brother C. Connoly, Mod./s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

December the 11th 1876
The Church met and after Singing and prayer by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. that we Exclude Brother J. N. Greathouse on the charge of uniting or joining the Donkard Church. 3rd. Res. that the Clerk forward a list of the names of the membership of this Church. 4th. Collected 19 Cents for Incidental Expenses. 5th. Res. that we elect a Pastor whereon the Teller, J. T. Bartlett, announced brother H. Cofer unanimously elected. 6th. Concluding prayer by brother J. T. Bartlett. 7th. Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. H. Cofer, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

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