The Church met Jan. the 12th 1884 and after Singing and a few prayres proceeded to business. 1st Res. that brother W. T. Craig be our Mod. 2nd Res. that we invite brother L. D. Starkey to preach for us on the 4 Sabbath this month and brother E. Greathouse the 1st Sabbath in Feb. and brother J. N. Fox the 2nd Sabbath in Feb. 3rd Res. that we adjourn.
/s/W. T. Craig, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met Feb. 9, 1884, and after sermon by Bro. J. N. Fox, the Church proceeded to business. 1st Res. that Bro. Fox be our Moderator. 2nd Read the minutes of previous meeting. 3rd Res. that the Treasurer be requested to report at the next meeting all names of members who have paid and all \who have not paid their subscription. 4th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/J. W. Fox, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
Sabbath. Res. that Bro. Fox be our Mod. 2nd Res. that the Church pledge herself to pay brother J. W. Wood $75.00 for one year to labor as Pastor for the Church.
The Church met on March the 8th and after Prayres proceeded to business. 1st Res. that brother Wm. Springston be our Moderator. 2nd Read the minutes of previous meeting. 3rd The Treasurer reported $3.00 due brother Cofer for the year 1882 and $4.30 for the year 1883. 4th Res. that we Exclude brother Daniel Stallman on the charge of Drunkeness. 5th Res. that brother W. Greathouse be a Com. to visit brother M. Showen. 6th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Brother Wm. Springston, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met April the 12th 1884 and after Sermon by the Pastor Eld. J. W. Wood proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd Hear the report of brother Wm. Greathouse and discharge the same. 3rd Continue the case of brother Showen, brother Tyson com. to notify the same. 4th Hear the report of the Treasurer who reported $1.00 paid on Pastor's salary for last year. 5th Sexton reported he had received $1.75 on last year and $1.45 on present year's salary. 6th Appointed Sister Sallie Starkey to take up a subscription for Sexton's salary. 7th Adjourned.
/s/Eld. J. W. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
Sabbath. Received Sisters Clara Beckner and Sarah Jane Marks for Baptism.
May the 11th 1884 The Church met and after Sermon by the Pastor Rev. J. W. Wood, proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Res. that we continue the case of brother Showen and the committee brother C. Tyson to our next meeting. 3rd Res. that we grant Sister Jane Harbert a letter of Dismission. 4th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. W. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met June the 7th and after Singing and Prayre proceeded to business. 1st Res. that brother J. V. Bartlett be our Moderator. 2nd Read the minutes of previous meeting. 3rd\Res. that we Exclude brother M. Showen on the charge of using Profane Language. (Added-Extend the hand of fellowship to Sisters Clara Beckner and Sarah Jane Marks. Se July minutes) 4th Res. that we appoint committees to visit brother M. Hildreth, J. Summerville, Lee Springston and Sister Priscilla Morford, names of com. R. Hildreth, C. Tyson, J. V. Bartlett and Sister Lizzie Bartlett. 5th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Brother J. V. Bartlett, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met July the 12th 1884 and after Sermon by the Pastor Brother J. W. Wood, proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of the previous meeting and correct the same. 2nd Extend the hand of fellowship to Sisters Clara Beckner and Sarah Jane Marks. 3rd Hear the report of the com. brother J. V. Bartlett and discharge the same. 4th Res. that we Exclude brother Lee Springston on the charge of Dancing and his stating that he knew he was no benefit to the Church nor the Church to him. 5th Res. that we continue the other committees. 6th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
August 2nd 1884 The Church met and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd Hear the report of Sister Lizzie Bartlett and discharge the same. 3rd Res. that we Exclude Sister Priscilla Morford on the charge of Dancing. 4th Heard the report of Bro. C. Tyson and discharge the same. Resolved that we forgive Bro. M. Hildreth. 6th Res. that we continue Bro. Hildreth as a committee. 7th Res. that we appoint delegates to the Association. Whereon Brethern C. Tyson, J. V. Bartlett and S. P. Beckner were appointed. 8th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
September 13th 1884 The Church met and after prayre proceeded to business. 1st Res. that brother J. T. Bartlett be our Moderator. 2nd Res. that brother W. L. Starkey be our Clerk. 3rd. Res. that brother Wm. Greathouse be a committee to ascertain why brother Hildreth has not made his report. 4th Res. that the Clerk fill out the letter. Collected $1.05 for minutes. 5th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Brother J. T./ Bartlett, Mod. /s/W. L. Starkey, Clerk Protem
Sabbath. Res. that we adopt the letter to the Association.
Oct. 11, 1884 The Church met and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd Heard the report of brother Wm. Greathouse Committee and discharged the same. 3rd Res. that we Exclude Bro. Joseph Summerville on the charge of Dancing and Swearing. 4th Heard the report of the delegates to the Association which reported an interesting session. 5th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met November the 8th 1884 and after Prqyre by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Res. that we exclude Sister Roanna Showen for uniting with a Methodist Church. 3rd Res. that we grant Sister Anna E. Norman a letter of Dismission and Recommendation. 4th Res. that brethern G. G. Springston and S. P. Beckner be a committee to visit delinquent members to ascertain the cause of their delinquency. 5th Res. that the above committee notify brother Miles Miller to appear before the Church on charge of using profane language. 6th Hear report of the Treasurer who reported $38.50 paid to the pastor on present year. Sexton's report received 65 cts all paid up to date and 10 cts in advance. 7th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
Dec. 13th 1884 The Church met and after Sermon by brother L. D. Starkey. 1st Res. that brother L. D. Starkey be our Mod. 2nd Read the minutes and approved the same. 3rd Hear the report of the com. brother G. G. Springston approve and discharge the same. 4th Res. that we exclude brother Miles Miller on the charge of using Profane Language. 5th Hear the report of the Treasurer who reported $44.51 Paid to the Pastor on present year. 6th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Brother L. D. Starkey, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
January 10th 1885 The Church met and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Received Bro. L. D. Starkey by experience. 3rd Received Bro. James Showen by letter. 4th Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met February 7, 1885, and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Res. that we grant Sister Belle Hamrick a letter of Dismission and recommendation. 3rd Res. that we protract at our next meeting. 4th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
Sabbath Res. that we receive brother J. Kyer for Baptism.
The Church met March 7 1885 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. First reading the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd Received notice of the reception of sister S. J. Starkey. 3rd Received notice of the reception of Sister Belle Hamrick. 4th Heard the report of Treasurer. 5th Res. that we adjourn until our next regular meeting.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
Sabbath baptism of J. L. Kyer and into the fellowship of the Church.
During the Protracted Meeting the following week the below named persons were received for baptism and were baptised: Sisters Dora Walker, Dora Bartlett, Maud Bartlett, Rosa Burgess, Mary B. Springston, Martha J. Springston, Clara Epling, Virena Walker, Caroline Craig, Emma Conard (? - Ed.), Virginia Booker, Mary J. Springston, Brethern Arildo Bartlett, Lewis Goff, Frank Starcher, C. C. Riddel, Ira Bartlett, Eddie Springston, Jefferson D. Springston. Received for baptism Warren Mace, Rosella Short, Belle Burgess, Susan Greathouse, Brown Burgess, Mary J. West. Restored Geo. T. West, C. F. West, J. L. Springston.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
April 11, 1885 The Church met and after sermon by the Pastor the church was called to order by electing J. M. Wood, Mod. and proceeded to business. 1 - Read minutes of previous meeting. 2 Report of Treasurer and $57.25 paid and $11.75 unpaid. 3rd Rod. Appointed William Springston committee to collect delinquent subscriptions. 4th Resolved that the Sexton's salary be doubled. 5th Resolved to release G. G. Springston from being a committee to visit delinquent members. 6th Proceeded to elect a Pastor. J. M. Wood called. Call was made unanimous. 8th Motion to adjourn until our next regular meeting.
/s/J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The following were baptised on Sabbath and extended the hand of fellowship: Bros. Warren Mace, Brown Burgess, G. T. West and Sisters Belle Burgess, Rosa Short, Severina Greathouse and Mary A. West
The Church met May the 9th 1885 and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Hear the report of the com. Wm. Springston. 3rd Treasurer reported $65.80 paid on last year's salary for the Pastor. 4th Res. that we grant brother J. H. Springston and wife a letter of dismission. 5th Res. that brother W. L. Starkey be a com. to solicit funds for the Pastor for the present year. 6th Res. that brethern W. Springston, J. T. Bartlett and G. T. West be a committee to superintend the repairing of the Church. 7th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met June the 13th 1885 and after sermon by brother L. D. Starkey proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that brother L. D. Starkey be our Mod Protem. 2nd Read the minutes of previous meeting. 3rd Hear the report of the com. on delinquents, adopt the report and discharge the com. 4th Committee on repairs was empowered to solicit subscriptions for repairs and apply the same to the repairing of the church. 5th The Treasurer reported $69.27 paid for last year's salary of Pastor. 6th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Brother L. D. Starkey, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met July the 11th 1885 and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Hear the report of Committee on Repairs. 3rd Amend Brother Wm. Springston's motion and appoint brother J. C. Bartlett to visit brother J. J. L. Springston. 4th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
July the 12th 1885. The Pastor called the Church to order and opened the door of the same. Sisters Mary B. Price and Diantha Price presented themselves for baptism and were received and baptised.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met Aug. the 8th 1885 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Extend the hand of fellowship to Sisters Mary B. and Diantha Price. 3rd Receive the report of brother Wm. Springston and pay the bill of 60 cents. 4th Res. that we appoint our delegates to the Association. Names of delegates J. V. Bartlett, Joseph Corder and G. G. Springston, or any other brother as alternate. 5th Res. that we adjourn
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
At a special session on Sabbath the Church was called to order by the Pastor. 1st Res. that we adopt the letter to the Association 2nd Res. that we adopt the report of the com. Wm. Springston ad discharge the same and pay the bill of $2.00 presented by him. 3rd Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met Oct 10th 1885 and after Singing and Prayer proceeded to business. 1 - Elected Bro. J. V. Bartlett Mod. 2nd Read the minutes of previous meeting. 3rd Hear the report of J. Bartlett and discharge the same. 4th Res. that we exclude Brother J. L. Springston 5 - Res. that we appoint J. Corder a committee to visit Warren Mace. 6- Res. that we exclude Anna Conner. 7 - Res. that we adjourn till our next regular meeting.
/s/J. V. Bartlett, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met Nov. the 7th 1885 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Res. that brother J. Corder be a Com. to visit brother Warren Mace. 3rd Hear the report of brother H. L. Starkey and discharge the same, who reported $543.25 subscribed for the Pastor's salary. 4th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met Dec. 12, 1885. After Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Hear the report of Bro. Corder and discharged the same. 3 - Forgive Brother Mace. 4th Res. that we grant a letter of dismissing to bro. A. Springston. 5th Res. that we appoint a committee to visit Bro. Robert Short (Bro. S. P. Beckner Com.). 6th Res. that we call a council to ordain Bro. L. D. Starkey. 7th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
At a call meeting Jan. 20 1886 the following candidates were received for baptism at Mt. Vernon: viz. Arabella Gross, Senora Gross, Emazella Beckner, Thomas G. Marks, Frank Fowler, Alexander Marks, and Minerva Short.
/s/L. D. Starkey, Mod. /s/S. P. Beckner, Ch Clk
The Church met Feb 13th 1886. 1 - Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2 - Heard report of S. P. Beckner and discharged the same. 3 - Resolved that R. M. Short be excluded. 4 - Res. to call a council to ordain Bro. L. D. Starkey at Sabbath School Association. 5 - Hear report of Treasure who reported $27.25. 6 - Res. that brother C. F. West be a committee to settle with the Sexton. 7 - Church take steps to build a meeting house. 8 - Res. that we appoint a building committee. G. T. West, J. V. Bartlett, C. Tyson, C. F. West and W. L. Starkey. 9 - Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met March the 13th 1886 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Received notice of the reception of brother A. Springston by the Sinking Creek Church. 3rd Received notice of the reception of Sister Norman by Cedar Grove Church. 4th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
Church met April 11th 1886 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd Hear report of C. T. West and discharge the same. Reported the Church due the Sexton $3.15. 3 - On motion the Sexton is requested to report when called for and by whom paid. 4 - Sexton reported 80 cents paid that day. Paid Wm. Springston $2.00. 5th Treasurer reported paid on Pastor's salary this year $41.25. Last year $73.70 6th Res. that the Clerk notify a Council to ordain brother L. D. Starkey at the time of the S. S. Association. 7th Res. that we exclude bro. Theodore Bartlett. 8th Adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. W. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met May the 8th 1886 and after Singing and Prayre proceeded to business. 1st Res. that Brother C. Tyson be our moderator. 2nd Read the minutes from the previous meeting. 3rd Res. that brother Wm. Springston be a com. to see brother J. A. Corder to collect the subscription for the Church. 4th Treasurer reported Pastor's salary for last year paid, for this year $45.19. 5th Res. that we call a Pastor whereon brother J. M. Wood was unanimously called. 6th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/brother C. Tyson, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met June 12, 1886, and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd Hear the report of bro. Wm. Springston. (2 lines of minutes deleted- Ed.) 4th Res. that we appoint W. S. Starkey and J. Bartlett to solicit funds for the Church and Pastor's salary. 5th Res. that we grant br. John Kyer and Sister Clara Connolly letters of dismission. 6th Hear report of bro. C. F. West. Reported due Mr. Stalanaker $8.37. 7th Res. that we give our note to Mr. Stalnaker for $15.00 with interest from date if we do not build our church within six years. 8th Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Eld. J. W. Wood, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
Sabbath, June the 13, 1886. The following persons were baptised by the Pastor: Emazella Beckner, G. Marks
/s/S. P. Beckner, Asst. Ch Clk
The Church met July the 10th 1886 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read and corrected the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Extend the hand of fellowship to Sisters Minerva Wagner and Emma Beckner and brethern A. Marks and T. G. Marks. 3rd Res. that we adjourn.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston Ch Clk
The Church met Aug. the 7th 1886 and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Res. that the called meeting of May the 27th/86 be recorded in connection with the minutes of the regular meeting. 3rd Called for report of Soliciting Com. whereon brother J. C. Bartlett reported $22.75 on Pastor's salary. W. L. Starkey reported $2.00on same. Remarks on reports. Treasurer reported $51.44 on the years 85 and 86 and $2.50 on present year. Sexton reported $3.35 back on salary. 4th Res. that we appoint delegates to the Association. Names of delegates W. L. Starkey, J. C. Bartlett, and J. T. Morford. Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
The Church met Sept. the 11th and after singing and prayres proceeded to business. 1st. Res. that brother C. Tyson be our Moderator. 2nd Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 3rd. Received notice of the reception of Sister Clara Connoley by the Cedar Grove Church. 4th Res. that we grant brother J. G. Springston privilege to exercise his talent in preaching the Gospel. 5th Res. that we adjourn to meet at the conclusion of the Service on tomorrow morning.
/s/Brother C. Tyson, Mod. Protem /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
After service Sept. 12/86 the Church resumed business by appointing Brother J. T. Bartlett to the chair. 1st Res. that we divide the $14.00 equally between State and foreign Missions and $2.00 for minutes. Adjourned to meet at our next regular meeting.1886
The Church met Oct. 10th/86 and after reading the 12th Chapter of Romans and prayre by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Reading the minutes. 2nd Report of the delegates from the Association. 3rd Report of the Building Committee. Reported due Wm. Springston $18.25, due C. D. Springston $15.00 and due C. F. West $3.25. 4th On motion the report was adopted. 5th Reading the Constitution and Remarks on the same. 6th On motion a Com. was appointed to collect money to pay Wm. Springston $8.00 at once. 7th On motion the debt due C. D. Springston be made a matter of record and that the church pay said amount when required to do so with legal interest. 8th Res. that we adjourn to our next regular meeting.
/.s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk
Nov. the 15th 1886 The Church met and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Reading the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd Report of committees reported $4.00 on Wm. Springston acct. 3rd Report of Treasurer was called. Report $55.00 paid on Pastor's salary for last year. 4th On motion the member present resolved themselves into a committee of the whole to remind delinquent members that they ought to pay something for the support of the Gospel and Church expenses. 5th Sexton reported $4.50 due him. 6th On motion the Church adjourned to meet at its next regular meeting.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Rod. /s/G.G. Springston, Ch Clk
Dec. 11/86 Church met and after Sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st Reading minutes of previous meeting. 2nd Report of the committee of the whole, G. G. Springston, Wm. Springston, J. T. Bartlett reported not very much done. 3rd On motion Sister Smith was granted a letter of dismission and recommendation to unite with the Sycamore Church. 4- On motion Sister Morgan was granted a letter of dismission. 5th Report of the Treasurer $55.00 paid on last year and $31.00 paid on present year. 5th On motion the Church adjourned to meet at the next regular meeting.
/s/Rev. J. M. Wood, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk