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Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 196
Audience : All
Version 1.00
Published Date: 2008/11/20 9:29:59
Reads : 9054

Constitution of the Little Creek Regular Baptist Church as adopted.

Article 1: This church shall be known by the name of Little Creek Regular Baptist Church.

Article 2: It shall be composed of believers regular Baptized.

Article 3: Each member shall have an equal right to all privileges and immunities.

Article 4: The officers of this Church shall be one Moderator, one Clerk with an Assistant, one Treasurer and two or more Deacons who shall be chosen by the church.

Article 5: It shall be the duty of the Moderator to preside over each meeting, propose questions and announce decision, having no vote except when there is an equal division, nor shall he make a speech without first inviting another brother to the chairr.

Article 6: It shall be the duty of the Clerk to keep a fair record of the proceedings of each meeting and read the same whenever called upon and also to take charge of all books and papers belonging to the Church and present them at the call of the Church.

Article 7: The Treasurer shall take charge of the funds of the Church, dispose of them to its order and report when called upon.

Article 8: The Deacons shall take general oversight of the responsibilities of the Church and assist the Pastor in his duties; prepare and distribute the elements of the Supper.

Article 9: Each member will in proportion to his ability assist in bearing the expense of the Church.

Article 10: the majority shall rule in all cases except the Reception and restoration of members when the vote must be unanimous provided if objections be raised they shall be referred to a Committee of three who shall determine if the objections be valid and if not valid the objector shall waive hem.

Article 11: The Church shall have the power to adjourn from time to time and place to place.

Article 12: Alterations may be made after one month by a majority of two-thirds.

Article 13: (This is an amendment) No member shall make, sell or use Intoxicating Licquors as a beverage.

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Articles Triplett Baptist Church - Records 1903-1907
Articles Triplett Baptist Church - Register
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