Burdette, Ellison
Date 2008/11/18 6:50:00 | Topic: Family Histories
| BURDETTE: Of Left Reedy in Curtis.
Ellison Burdette, pioneer of above locality, was born in Monroe County, West Virginia, and came to these parts when a young man in the first of the 1830's; married Annie H. Thomasson, January 4, 1838, daughter of John P. and Nancy Thomasson, of county history; settled on lands at the forks of the roads half mile below Reedyville; the Gilmer, Ripley and Ohio turnpike later built through his lands and past his dooryard; was for twenty years a prominent personage as owner of a good farm and first class citizen.
To Ellison and Virginia (Thomasson) Burdettte were born and reared there on the farm the following children: Nancy C., who married Fletcher S. Riddle, year 1856, with whom she made her home in Ritchie County.
Mary, who married a Mr. Boyd and went to Ohio.
Matilda married Joseph Hardman; they went West.
Virginia (in name "Dinia") married George Hardman, the 23rd of October, 1867; they made their home in Calhoun County. Rebecca became wife of Abram McCoy.
Pleasant Hyder Burdette, the only son of Ellison and Virginia (Thomasson) Burdette, succeeded to the home farm; married Violina Bennett, March 19, 1873, to them were born and reared two sons and three daughters:
John E., whose career we do not know.
Abram, who married Lummie Chapman, the 20th of February, 1910; his age, 24, her age 22; they moved to Ohio.
Martha Ellen.
Vernah, who became the wife of Cyrus Andrew Leasher, on the 16th of August, 1905, her age 19, his age 25.
Mattie, yet single.
Source: History of Roane County, West Virginia, 1774-1927 William H. Bishop, Esq. p 458-459 Submitter: Sandy Spradling, November 28, 1999