Lester, John C. and Rebecca Brown
Date 2010/9/30 12:00:00 | Topic: Family Histories
| LESTER: Of Reedy.
The first of this family name in this part of the State, was John C. Lester, born in Pike County, Kentucky ,in the year 1834, married Miss Rebecca Brown about the year 1854, at her home on Middle Reedy, then in Jackson County, now called "Peniel." She was a daughter of James and Dorcas (Carney) Brown, who moved to Mill Creek shortly after Rebecca's marriage.
What we know of the ancestry of John C. Lester is from fireside remarks, in the home of the parents of the author of this book. Recollections of such family remarks are in effect about as follows:
John Lester, the elder, was of a Virginia family and appears among the Kings, Drakes and Bishops, in Russel County, Virginia; later in Pike County, Kentucky. He was a dealer in horses. He was father of at least three children, two sons and one daughter, whose names in order of their respective ages were: James, Eliza and John C. James' mother was a Bishop,—-this is the horseman "Jim Lester," prominent in Jackson County several years next following the Civil War. Eliza, the daughter, united in marriage with Moses Bishop in Jackson County, Western Virginia, about the year 1853. They had four sons whose names are Harvey, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Wilk Bishop. The youngest child of John Lester, Sr., was the John C., first mentioned.
The mother of Eliza and John C. was a Miss ________ King; John Lester, Sr., was killed by "horse raiders" either in Missouri where he had collected a drove for the Eastern markets, or in Kentucky. He was on the road with his drove, when he was shot in the back, the bullet cutting through the rim of his saddle; soon after John’s death his wife also died, and the three children: James, Eliza and John C., were brought to this country by the grandmother who became the owner of a farm on left Reedy. She was always referred to as "Granny King." She always expected that John C. Lester, her grandson, would "grow up and avenge his father’s death." But as observed John C. married as soon as grown; then came the Civil War. In this he was loyal to Virginia; and the cause needed cavalrymen who were able to furnish their own mounts. John C. enlisted in the cavalry and rode away to Virginia’s battle fields. Though married, and only twenty—eight years old, he was "a dashing colonel of cavarly," I have heard remarked. On return from the war, he took to business in his dashing way; became a cattle dealer, built up a farm of some two hundred and fifty acres, "the Wright and Granny King" places included; and died at the age of forty-six. To John C. and Rebecca (Brown) Lester were born and by them brought up there on Reedy, two daughters and five sons, their names in order of respective ages are, Sarah Jane, Pery, Wellington H., John M., James Brown, Etta May, and Charles D. Lester. Their several marriages are as follows:
Sarah Jane married William Knopp;
Perry married Miss Mary Roberts, daughter of Col. T. A. Roberts of Reedy;
Wellington H. married first Mattie Riddle who died not having any child; later he married Miss Lizzie Lee of Wirt County; served one term as County Superintendent of Schools of Wirt, also one term as County Superintendent of Schools, Calhoun County. They have a large stock farm in Calhoun now; brought up one son, Kenna Lester, delegate in State Legislature two terms.
John M. Lester married Miss Nannie Stalnaker, daughter of Marshall Stalnaker of Right Reedy and Sandy divide; 2nd day of April, 1885, "his age 20, her's 21. He soon showed industry and a cavalier desire for leadership and to share in the large things to be had. He was elected and served two terms as a justice of Reedy District; studied law, was admitted to the bar and practiced some; helped promote establishment of two banks at Reedy where he made his home, acquired a good income and died while yet young. John M. and Nannie (Stalnaker) his wife, were parents of the following sons and daughters: Ethel Anice, Elva, Roy, Emmett E., and Elpha Mabel. Of these, Ethel A. married Cadmus G. Cottle, October 18, 1911; Emmett E., married Miss Odra Elizabeth Depue, December 16, 1921, his age 28, her's 18.
James Bee Lester, son of John C. and Rebecca, married Miss Mary Curfman, July 8, 1893, his age 21, her's 22; she a daughter of Samuel Curfman.
Charles D. Lester, son of John C. and Rebecca, married Miss Mary A. Smith, September 1, 1889; his age 20, her age 19. She was a daughter of Elijah Smith of Left Reedy.
Etta May Lester, daughter of John C. and Rebecca, married John Joseph Bryant, August 17, 1899; the age of each then 23. He was born in Wirt County, West Virginia.
Source: History of Roane County, West Virginia, 1774-1927 William H. Bishop, Esq. p 585-586