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Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 197
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Version 1.00.02
Published Date: 2008/11/20 9:40:00
Reads : 5435


The Church met on Saturday before the third Lord's Day in February 1860 and after Sermon proceeded to business. 1st. Resolved that we receive Brother and Sister Tisen. 2nd. Resolved that we adjourn.
/s/J. A. Wright /s/G. G. Springston

March the 18th 1860
The Church met according to adjournment and proceeded to business. 1st. Resolved that Brother A. Springston visit Sister Jemima Vandall. 2nd. Resolved that we recommend Brother J. A. Wright to the Northwestern Board. 3rd. Resolved we adjourn.
/s/J.A. Wright /s/G.G. Springston

April 15th 1860
The Church met and after Sermond by Brother J. A. Wright proceeded to business. 1st. Received the recommendation of Brother Wright as prepared by the Clerk. 2nd. Received the reports of committees on Grievances and Discharge the same. 3rd. Resolved that we appoint Brother Daniell (probably James A., who is not shown anywhere as a member- Ed) and Sister Elizabeth Heckert to visit Sisters Vandall. 4th. Resolved that any member of this Church neglecting to attend Church meetings it shall be the duty of the Deacons to visit them to ascertain the cause whereof unless the cause is known to the Church. 5th. Resolved that at our next meeting we proceed to elect a Deacon. 6th. That we adjourn. Done by order of the Church.
/s/J. A. Wright /s/G. G. Springston, Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the third Lord's Day in May 1860 and after Sermon by the pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Received the report of Sister E. Heckert and Discharge the same. 2nd. Res. That we receive Brother Peter Burk and Sister Fanny Burk on their letter of recommendation. 3rd. Res. That we procure a book for a Church Book. 4th. Resolved that we adjourn to our next meeting in course.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod /s/G.G. Springston, Clk

March (Ed: June?) the 22nd 1860
The church met and proceeded to business. 1st Resolved that we receive Brother William McCarty. 2nd Resolved that we receive the report of Sister Daniell as committee and discharge the same. 3rd Res. that we retain Sisters Vandall. 4th Res. that Brother Wright be teller. 5th Res. That Brother Burk be elected Deacon. 6th Resolved that we receive brother Burk as Deacon on his former ordination. 7th that we adjourn.
/s/John P. Chinewith, Mod Pro Tem /s/G. G. Springston Ch Clk

The Church met on the Saturday before the 3 Lordsday in July 1860, and after sermon by Brother J. A. Wright. 1st Res. that we receive Sister Ann E. Benear on her letter of recommendation. 2nd Res. that we adjourn untill our next regular meeting for business.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the 3rd Lords day in August 1860. 1st Resolved that we appoint Brethern W. P. Burk, J. W. Heckert, G. G. Springston or any other Brother of our body who may be present as delegates to the Association. 2nd Res. that we send up the following query to the Ass. Is it according to Baptist usages to deal with a minister as other members for not attending Church meeting and if excluded what is the proper course to be pursued on their part and other Churches for their Restoration. 3rd Adjourn.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the 3rd Lords day in September 1860 and after Sermond by Brother J. A. Wright and being no business Res. that we adjourn untill our next regular meeting.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the 3 Lordsday in October 1860 and after Sermond by brother J. A. Wright proceeded to business. 1st Resolved that we receive Brother Vance V. Bartlett and Sister Elizabeth Bartlett on their letter of Dismission. 2nd Res. that we adjourn.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

November 17th 1860
At a meeting of the Little Creek Baptist Church in Spencer at the Court House after preaching by J. Woofter the Church was called to order by Br. Wright the pastor. 1st. No refferences. 2nd. New business was called for and letters were granted to the following persons Br. R.P. Burk and Sarah F. Burk, his wife, Elizabeth Benear, Zernah Vandall, Jemima Vandall, Elizabeth Vandall and Catharine Vandall. 3rd. Resolved we adjourn. Done by order of the Church.
/s/John Woofter, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the 3 Lordsday in December 1860 and after Sermond by brother J.A. Wright proceeded to business. 1st No refferences. 2nd. Res. That we receive Brother Wm. J. Bartlett and Sister Lydia Bartlett. 3rd. Res. That we adjourn. Done by order of the Church.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Clk


The Church met on Saturday before the third Lordsday in January 1861 and after Sermon by brother Wright proceeded to business. 1st Res. that we appoint Brother J. P. Chinewith teller. 2nd Resolved that we proceed to elect Deacons whereon the teller proceeded to take the vote and announced the election of Brethern James Bartlett and William Springston. 3rd Res. that we release Brother Abraham Springston from the Deaconship. 4th Res. that we adjourn. Done by order of the Church.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the third Lordsday in March 1861 and after Sermond by Brother Wright proceeded to business. 1st. Called for refferences. 2nd. New business whereon brother William Springston requested a letter of dismission for Sister Margaret Heckert. 3rd. Res. That we grant Sister Heckert a letter . 4th. Resolved that we call a pastor. 5th. Res. That Brother Ticen be teller to take the vote whereon Brother Wright was unanimously chosen.. 6th. that we recommend brother Wright to the Board. 7th. Res. That we raise $30.00 for brother Wright's sallery for the next year. 8th. Res. That we adjourn.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the third Lordsday in April, 1861 and after Sermon by Brother Wright proceeded to business. 1st. called for refferences. 2nd. Resolved that we receive Brother J. F. Bartlett, Sister Z. Bartlett and brother William Burgess on their letters of recommendation and extend the right hand of fellowship to them. 2nd. Res. That we adjourn.
/s/J. . Wright, Mod /s/G G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on the third Lords day in June 1861 and after Sermon proceeded to business. 1st. called for new business whereon the clerk reported a lack on the subscription of 8 dollars. 2nd. Res. That we hold our Church meetings on the 3 Sabbath at 10 O'Clock. 2nd. Res. That we adjourn.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on the first Sabbath in December 1861 and after sing and prayer proceeded to business. 1st. Res. That brother J. T. Bartlett be our Moderator. 2nd. Res. That we meet on the third Sabbath at ten o'clock. 3rd. Res. That we meet alternately at Brother Bartletts and Wm. Springstons. 4th. Res. That Brother J. T. Bartlett be our Standing Moderator. 5th. Res. That we call Brother J. Stump as pastor. 6th. that we adjourn.
/s/J. T. Bartlett, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on the third Sabbath in December 1861 and after Singing and prayer proceeded to business. 1st. Refferences none. New business None therefore Res. That we adjourn.
/s/J. T. Bartlett, Mod /s/J. F. Bartlett, Ch Clk Pro Tem


February 16th 1862
The Church met according to adjournment and after Singing and Prayer proceeded to business. 1st. res. That Brother J. F. Bartlett Clerk Pro Tem. 2nd. Res. That we call Brother Jonathan Smith for our pastor. 3rd. Resolved that Brother William Springston be appointed to Solicit Brother Smith. 4th. Res. That we adjourn.
/s/J. T. Bartlett, Mod J. F. Bartlett, Ch Clk Pro Tem

The Church met on the third Lords day in March 1862 and after Singing and prayer proceeded to business. 1st. Called for the report of the Committee whereon Brother William Springston reported that he had seen Brother Smith. 2nd. Res. That we receive the report of the Committee and discharge the same. 3rd. Res. That we prepare a subscription for Brother Smith. 4th. Res. That we adjourn untill our next regular meeting.
/s/J. T. Bartlett, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Lordsday in May 1862 and after Sermond by Brother Jonathan Smith proceeded to business. 1st. Res. That Brother Smith be our moderator. 2nd. Called for refferences whereon the clerk reported a lack on the Subscription of two dollars. 3rd. Res. That we pledge ourselves jointly for the balance of the subscription to be raised. 4th. Res. Brother Tizen be our Treasurer. 5th. Res. That we meet on the Saturday before the first Sabbath in each month. 6th. Res. That we adjourn.
/s/Eld. Jon. Smith, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on the Saturday before the first Lordsday in July 1862 and after Sermond by Brother Jon. Smith proceeded to business. 1st. Called for the minutes of the previous meeting whereon the Clerk stated from memory the proceedings of the same. 2nd. Res. That the Constitution and rules of Decorum be read and examined at our next regular meeting. 3rd. Res. That we adjourn untill our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Eld. Jon. Smith, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in August 1862 and after Sermon proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Read the rules of decorum. 3rd. Brother J. T. Bartlett moved that we expunge the old Constitution and rules of Order. Brother Springston moved to amend the motion by amending the Constitution and rules of Order which was adopted. 5th. Res. That Brother Jon. Smith be a committee to draft the same. 6th. by request of Brother J. T. Bartlett Res. that we grant Brother William Burgess a letter of dismission. 7th. Res. That Breth. Burk and McGloghlin be invited to meet with us at our next meeting on Sabbath to attend the Ordination of our Deacons Elect and that Brother Smith notify them of same. 8th. Res. That we elect our Clerk anualy. 9th. Res. That we adjourn untill our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Eld. Jon .Smith, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on the Saturday before the first Lords day in Sep 1862 and after Sermond proceeded to business. 1st. Read the minutes of previous meeting. 2nd. hear the report of Committee and discharge same. 3rd. Res. That we adopt the Constitution and Rules of Order with the amendment Prohibiting the use of Ardent Spirits as beverage. 4th. Res. That we elect a Clerk with an assistant. 5th. Res. That J.T. Bartlett be teller whereon he reported the election of Brother G. G. Springston Clerk and Brother W. T. Bartlett assistant. 6th. Res. That we adjourn untill our next regular meeting.
/s/Eld. Jon. Smith, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

Sabbath after Sermon according to previous arrangements proceeded to the Ordination of Brethern J. T. Bartlett and Wm Springston Deacons.

The Church met on Saturday before the first Sabbath in Nov 1862 and after Sermon by the pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the Minutes of previous meeting. 2nd. Refferences. 3rd. New business. 4th. Adjourn.
/s/Eld. Jon./ Smith, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the first Lords day in December 1862 and after Sermond by the Pastor proceeded to business. 1st. Read the rules of Decorum and minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd. Res. That we Commune twice a year, namely in April and Oct. 3rd. Res. That we select a place for a meeting house and burying grounds whereon Brethern C. Tyson, Wm. Springston and G. G. Springston be a com. For the same. 4th. Res. That we adjourn untill our next regular meeting for business.
/s/Eld. Jona. Smith, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

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