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Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 202
Audience : All
Version 1.00
Published Date: 2008/11/20 11:51:03
Reads : 6287


The church was called to order for the transaction of business, Jan. 9, 1904.
On motion, brother William Starcher was received for baptism.
On motion, the business meeting for January, 1904, was delayed until Sunday, January 10, 1904
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
J. S. West, Ch. Clerk

On Saturday night, Jan. 9, 1904, the church was called together for the transaction of business.
On motion, sister Artamisia Starcher was received for baptism.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Ch. Clerk

January 10, 1904, the church was called together for the transaction of business.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
On motion the clerk was instructed to invite deacons of sister churches to assist in the ordination of brother Bash Newlon as deacon.
On motion, it was ordered that the pastoral year begin with January and end with December f each year.
Treasurer reported $5.50 on pastor's salary, $.60 on incidental expenses and $.50 for the A.B.P.S.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
J. S. West, Church Clerk

The church met February 13, 1904, and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
On motion, Ona West was elected Clerk protem.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
On motion, sister Minnie Showen was granted a letter of recommendation and dismission.
Brother Bash Newlon was ordained as deacon of this church.
On motion, it was ordered that this church have a roll call of members the second Sunday in May, 1904.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
Ona West, Clerk, Protem

The church met March 12th, 1904, and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business. On motion, brother J. P. Hudkins was received for baptism and the hand of welcome extended. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. On motion, the clerk was directed to itemize expenses incurred by roll call and report same to the church. Treasurer reported $2.90 on pastor's salary, $1.00 on Home Missions and $1.30 on incidental expenses.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Ch. Clerk

The church met April 9, 1904, and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
On motion, Brother E. Buck was received on his experience and the hand of fellowship extended.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
On motion, sister Ruby Bartlett was received for baptism and the hand of welcome extended.
A collection was taken to defray expenses of Roll Call and a record book-collection $.81 cents.
Treasurer reported $7.00 on pastor's salary, $1.50 on painting the church and $1.10 on incidental expenses since the last report.
On motion, sister Clara Bartlett and brethern W. A. McCoy and J.S. West were appointed a committee to arrange a program for Roll Call.
On motion adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

Sunday, April 10, 1904
Sister Ruby Bartlett was baptized by the pastor, Rev. J. N. Fox.
J. S. West, Church Clerk

The church met May 7, 1904, and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. On motion, brother Fred Springston was granted a letter to unite with the First Baptist Church of Akron, Ohio. On motion, J. W. Greathouse was received by letter from the Baptist Church of Ravenswood.
Treasurer reported $4.25 on pastor's salary, $.57 on incidental expenses and $.50 on Ministerial Education. The members present took the Lord's Supper.
On motion adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

At Roll Call, May 8, 1904, 94 members responded in person, 5 by letter, 4 by word sent and 44 failed to answer in any way.

Sunday, 29 1904, Rev. J. N. Fox preached at Pup Run, after which the church was called to order for the transaction of business.
On motion, Sister Ada Mace was received for baptism and the hand of welcome extended.
The congregation proceeded to Henry's Fork where brother J. P. Hudkins and sister Ada Mace were baptized.
J. S. West, Church Clerk
June 11, 1904
The church met and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business.
On motion Kate and Lena Townsen were received for baptism.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer reported $4.50 on pastor's salary and $.60 on incidental expenses since last report.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

Sunday, June 12, 1904, sister Artimisia Starcher was baptized by Rev. J. N. Fox..

The Church met July 9, 1904 and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Brother J. P. Hudkins received the hand of fellowship.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer reported $3.60 on pastor's salary, $.45 on incidental expenses and $1.00 on foreign missions.
On motion, the church adopted the plan of Systematic Beneficence.
On motion, the church agreed to entertain the Ministers and Deacons meeting.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

Sunday, July 10, 1904, sisters Kate and Lena Townsen were baptized by the pastor, Rev. J. N. Fox.
J. S. West, Church Clerk

The church met August 13, 1904, and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
On motion, sister May (Chenoweth) Frame was granted a letter of recommendation and dismission to unite with the Crooked Fork Baptist Church.
Treasurer reported $2.00 pastor's salary and $.30 on incidental expenses since the last report.
On motion, it was ordered that the church prepare to meet the Association. The Moderator appointed J. S. West, sister Sophia Morford and brother W. T. Craig delegates to the Association.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

The church met Sept. 10, 1904, and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Minutes of last meting were read and approved.
By common consent, the reading of the letter to the Association was deferred until Sunday, Sept. 11, 1904.
Treasurer reported $2.10 on pastor's salary and $.50 on incidental expenses since the last report.
On motion, it was ordered that the clerk correspond with the non-resident and non-attendant members of this church in regard to their membership and report expenses incurred by such correspondence.
On motion, brother M. Showen was appointed delegate to the Association in lieu of Sophia Morford.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

Sunday, Sept. 11, 1904, sisters Kate and Lena Townsen received the hand of fellowship.
The church was called to order for the purpose of transaction of business.
On motion, the letter to the Association was adopted as read by the clerk.
J. S. West, Ch. Clerk
The church met Oct. 8, 1904, and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer reported #3.75 on pastor's salary and $.45 on incidental expenses, $1.50 on church repairs, $.50 on State Missions and $.10 on Poor Fund since the last report.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

The church met Nov. 12, 1904, and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer reported $3.00 on pastor's salary, $2.40 on State Missions, $.10 on Poor Fund and $.25 on Incidental Expenses.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

The church met Dec. 10, 1904, and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Treasurer reported $1.05 on pastor's salary, $1.27 on State Missions, $4.25 on fuel, $1.10 on church repairs, $.25 for A.B.P.S., $.65 on incidental expenses and $.10 on Poor Fund since last report.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
J. S. West, Ch. Clerk

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