Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 128
Audience : All
Version 1.00
Published Date: 2008/11/17 19:27:17
Reads : 1270

SARVER, GEORGE THOMAS. (Republican.) Address: Ernest, West Va. One of the representatives from Roane county. Born in that county September 21, 1870; educated in the public, private and summer normal schools; was engaged in teaching in Roane county from 1891 until 1914, at which time he took up the occupation of farming and stock raising; served as President of Board of Education of his home district; was elected to the House of Delegates in 1916 and during the 1917 sessions served on the following committees: Military Affairs, Arts, Sciences and General Improvements and State Boundaries.

Source: West Virginia Legislative Hand Book and Manual and Official Register, 1917, Compiled and Edited by John T. Harris, Clerk of the Senate, The Tribune Printing Co., Charleston, West Va., p 746

Submitted by: Valerie Crook

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