Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 136
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Version 1.00.01
Published Date: 2008/11/18 6:50:00
Reads : 800

HOWELL: Of Town of Reedy.

Enoch Morgan Howell was born in Nicholas County, West Virginia, February 16, 1849, son of George Warren and Rebecca (OBalden) Howell, residents of Nicholas at date of Enoch M.s birth, and both died while this son was a small child. Both George W. and Rebecca, his wife, were of Irish extraction.

Enoch M. enlisted and served as a soldier of the Confederacy; large, strong blond; he returned unscathed as to limbs and physical parts. He appears to have gone to war from Reedy, because he had been here several years before that war; what business or adventure brought him here we are not told.

On the 5th day of May, 1870, Enoch M. Howell and Nancy Conrad were united in marriage at her parents home in Wirt County, on Main Reedy; she was born February 6, 1851, daughter of Peter and Jane (Blosser) Conrad, his wife; themselves children of pioneers of Main Reedy, she of "Three Forks" Blossers.

Enoch M. was a timber expert and a good manager of timber men; at this he passed several years, then settled with his family in the village of Reedy.

He was public spirited and took part in all public business; was elected and served as justice of the peace for Reedy District, one or more terms; also has served as mayor of the Town of Reedy since its incorporation.

Enoch M. and Nancy, his wife, have brought up one son and two daughters, Mallie, Guy C. and Ivy.

Mallie married Henry Clyde Law, December 24, 1897; her age them 20 years, his age, 22. (See name Law.)

Guy C. was educated in the Reedy public schools, had his part with the young people of the town; was a member of their brass band; married Miss Ivy Tallman, of Seaman, March 18, 1903, his age 22, hers 21; she a daughter of Samuel and Rosa (Seaman) Tallman. He has become an expert of a branch of the gas business in which he is employed, and lives on Church Street, Spencer, West Virginia.

Source: History of Roane County, West Virginia, 1774-1927 William H. Bishop, Esq. p 556-557
Submitter: Sandy Spradling, November 28, 1999

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