Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 204
Audience : All
Version 1.00
Published Date: 2008/11/20 12:39:59
Reads : 2675

This cemetery is also known as Fairview Memorial Gardens. Transcribed June 16, 2001 by Cathy Cowan and Helen Stricklin.

Name                        Dates                   Inscriptions/Footstones

Missouri H. Patton Paxton   8/23/1915 - 10/11/1988

Jacob Rhodes                1886 - 1925

Lillie E. Canterbury        1897 - 1979
*Funeral Home Marker

Goldie Davis                1915 - 1974

Nellie McClellan            1922 - 1974

Romie R. Hammack            6/20/1901 - 7/7/1974

Opie Williams               1909 - 1936

Carrie I. Hammack           1907 - 1932             wife of Romie Hammock 

(joint marker)
Owen Lee Williams           1871 - 1945
Ella Mae Williams           1870 - 1944

Ralph Franklin Williams     7/8/1920 - 11/23/1997

(joint marker)
Mandiville W. Williams      1895 - 1973
Nancy B. Williams           1900 - 1973

Tarry Henry White           1931 - 2001
*Funeral home marker

W. L. Trace                 no dates
*handmade marker

Bernard W. Schoolcraft      5/12/1940 - 1/7/1998

Alpheus Schoolcraft         1903 - 1977

George A. Schoolcraft       10/6/1916 - 4/2/1974    TEC 5 US Army 

(joint marker)
Laura A. Schoolcraft        1880 - 1949
J. Lewis Schoolcraft        1867 - 1956

(joint marker)
Nellie Bird                 1/28/1901 - 11/18/1973
Lewis Bird                   3/6/1891 - 11/20/1970

Barbara Lou Abbott          11/30/1951 - 4/4/1952

Joe Early Abbott            4/14/1934 - 10/10/1997

Otto Lee Abbott             1912 - 1982

Patricia Ann Carpenter      1941 - 1995

(joint marker)
George R. Patton            1908 - 1994
Erla E. Patton              1915 - 1965

Elsie M. Ray                5/30/1901 - 11/7/1980   Mother

Mark D. Canterbury          1960 - 1981
*Funeral home marker

Mark E. Canterbury          1917 - 1998
*Funeral home marker

Sybil Ray Canterbuy         1920 - 2000
*Funeral home marker

(joint marker)
Viola Strickland            1892 - 1951
George Strickland           1888 - 1974

Amanda Strickland           1897 - 1973

Robert I. Allen             11/17/1890 - 8/17/1969  Pvt Med. Det 1 Repl Depot WWI

Mary E. Allen               1885 - 1965

Elvin Allen
*No marker at all. My dad grew up in this area and knew where he was buried,
but could not remember when.

George A. Allen             1918 - 1981
*Funeral home marker  

Leah Jane Allen             1926 - 1992
*Funeral home marker  

Joyce K. Larch              10/26/1942 - 6/26/1987

(joint marker)
Earl Carte                  1909 - 1979
Sybil Carte                 1908 - 1968

Danny Earl Carte            6/23/1945               Infant

Anna Lee Carte              1/1/1934                Infant

(joint marker)
Carl H. Schoolcraft         7/25/1913 - 1/8/1994
Norma M. Schoolcraft        5/4/1923 - 12/2/1992

Rev. J. Earley Abbott       6/22/1886 - 6/19/1975   Married 8/28/1907
Nona Short Abbott           10/3/1893 - 1/24/1988

(joint marker)
MacArthur D. Horton         12/6/1946               Son
Clellia Doris Horton        5/14/1918 - 2001        Mother

George Maxine Hunt          2/22/1920 - 3/1984

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