Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 243
Audience : All
Version 1.00
Published Date: 2008/11/24 16:10:00
Reads : 3188

Transcribed June 16, 2001 by Cathy Cown and Helen Stricklin.

Name                                   Dates                  Inscriptions/Footstones
(joint marker)
James F. Campbell                      1885 - 1950
Myra O. Campbell                       1885 - 1960

(joint marker)
Raymond L. Epler                       2/14/1908 - 3/26/1990  Cpl US Army WWII
Edna J. Epler                          8/14/1908 - no date

Farris R. Foreman                      1919 - 1971

Robert R. Foreman                      1942 - 1942            Son

Jessie Mae Saunders                    1904 -1965
*funeral home marker

Charles Edward Saunders                10/16/1926 - 4/23/1992
*funeral home marker

Edward Lewis Sanders                   1900 - 1978            Pvt US Marine Corps

Charles E. Jarvis Jr.                  1920 - 1922

Mary F. Jarvis                         1924 - 1926

Cynthia Jarvis                         11/8/1918 - 10/23/1921

Perry G. Jarvis                        1/15/1868 - 1/2/1937   Father

Ivy M. Jarvis                          1/8/1906 - 5/8/1932    Mother

(joint marker)
Charles R. Sanders                     1865 - 1946
Mary E. Sanders                        1871 - 1947

Daughter of W. M. & B. A. Sanders      1926

Daughter of W. M. & B. A. Sanders      1924

Aneta Sanders                          1921 -1924             Daughter of P. H. & M. E. Sanders

Josie Sanders                          11/20/1893 - 1/25/1923 wife of C. W. Yearian

Roland Ray Sanders                     Born & Died 2/27/1950

Infant Babes of C. D. & B. E. Herbert  6/28/1917

(joint marker)
Willie M. Cross                        1905 -1954             Brother
Lilla D. Cross                         1905 - 1917            Sister

William H. Ryan                        1919 - 1920            Son of G. B. & R. J. Ryan

Orpha Canterbury                       No dates

Infant of H. L. Ryan                   1921

Infant of H. L. Ryan                   1923

Infant of H. L. Ryan                   1925

Justine White                          1911 - 1957

James R. Gibson                        5/15/1925 - 1/13/1945  WV Pvt 120 Inf. 30 Inf. Div WWII

Elizabeth A. Ryan                      4/12/1860 - 8/24/1940  Mother.  Aged 80 yrs., 4 mos., 12 dys.

William F. Ryan                        11/24/1852 - 3/10/1920
*Photo on headstone

Genevia Gibson                         5/3/1916 - 11/30/1916

Dorothy Carrol Hively                  2/26/1941              Our Daughter

Raymond Hively                         1917 - 1931

(joint marker)
Laura C. Hively                        1882 - no date
William T. Hively                      1875 - 1948

Bonnie C. Hively                       4/11/1941 - 3/8/1943   Daughter of Opie O. & Genevia Hively

Zula M. Ferrell                        1915 - 1997
*funeral home marker

Hubert O. Dodd                         2/14/1923 - 1/18/1981  Pvt US Army

Henry W. Dodd                          5/29/1921 - 2/14/1932  Our Darling

J. P. Dodd                             1892 - 1960

(joint marker)
W. R. Dodd                             1830 - 1930
Matilda Dodd                           1864 - 1932

Effie Myles                            1907 - 1964
*marker is a homemade metal cross

Imogene Dodd Spencer                   3/10/1926 - 9/13/1978

Betty Ann Dodd                         1931 - 1950

(joint marker)
Eva E. Summers Dodd                    1885 - 1921
William Everett Dodd                   1876 - 1944
Darlie Helmick Dodd                    1892 - 1927

E. Donald Dodd                         9/18/1916 - 8/14/1920  Son of W. E. and Eva E. Dodd

Peter M. Dodd                          9/13/1849 - 3/22/1913

Mildred G. Dodd                        11/15/1847 - 5/9/1910  Wife of P. M. Dodd

Opal Reynolds Robinson                 1915 - 1933            Wife of Burl Robinson

Estel Maurice Combs                    9/30/1914 - 7/23/1915

Nella Pearl Myles                      11/21/1904 - 4/24/1906 Daughter of R. L. & E. M. Myles.
                                                              Age 1 yr., 5 mos., 3 days

Shirley G. Myles                       9/26/1900 - 9/26/1903  Son of R. L. & E. M. Myles

Elvira Mae Myles                       7/16/1877 - 12/14/1948

(joint marker)
John E. Lewis                          1876 - 1958
Lucille Lewis Hupp                     1909 - 1996
Elizabeth B. Lewis                     1882 - 1967

Mary M. Lewis                          2/22/1841 - 8/22/1915

Edward Lewis                           8/24/1838 - 6/10/1902

Ivan Goad                              3/29/1917 - 8/13/1917

(joint marker)
John Goad                              3/3/1876 - 3/6/1937
Mae Lewis Goad                         9/15/1878 - 5/18/1950

(joint marker)
Edward L. Goad                         2/2/1913 - no date
Josephine F. Goad                      12/27/1917 - 5/20/1992

John E. Goad                           11/24/1946 - 10/20/1980 SP4 US Army Vietnam

Gay Cadle                              7/18/1913 - 3/19/1914  Son of Fred M. E. Cadle

Orvie Fredic Cadle                     12/20/1923 - 10/1/1925

Nellie Cadle                           4/4/1909 - 8/20/1910   Daughter of Fred M. E. Cadle

R. P. Cadle                            10/5/1847 - 12/9/1910  Father

Dora Darby Lewis                       10/22/1881 - 10/4/1955 Wife

James McChesney Lewis                  9/3/1873 - 9/18/1950

William A. Lewis                       1/31/1871 - 3/24/1896

(joint marker)
Fannie M. Lewis Simpson                1868 - 1951            Mother.  Wife of James G. Simpson
James Griffith Simpson                 1872 - 1953            Father

Gerald Z. Simpson                      1908 - 1972            Son

(joint marker)
Sarah E. Brisendine                    1886 - 1962
Samuel E. Brisendine                   1876 - 1958

Otis T. Brisendine                     2/17/1920 - 11/17/1944 WVa Pvt Inf. WWII

William Clayton Brisendine             1915 - 1944            Son

Ethelbert Brisendine                   1909 - 1942            For God, For Country, For All

Robert Harper                          *Cannot read dates

Allice Canterbury Harper               5/10/1875 - 12/22/1925 Wife of Robert Harper

John B. Kidd                           11/9/1829 - 12/28/1914

(joint marker)
Dr. William C. Campbell                1846 - 1934
Prue W. Campbell                       1861 - 1905

Melvin Lee Collins                     4/13/1941 - 4/16/1941

Brisendine                             1974 - 1974
*no first name

French A. Brisendine                   9/30/1929 - 12/7/1981

Robert L. Combs                        1946 - 1946

Thomas I. Cadle                        1935 - 1936            Son of Donald Cadle

George Wick Reed                       12/23/1908 - 11/5/1933

William Edward Reed                    1932                   Infant

John P. Harper                         2/22/1881 - 9/2/1952

Darrel L. Combs                        10/23/1920 - 10/26/1920 son of J. L. & S. C. Combs

Combs                                  1909 - 1927
*no first name

Rev. Wilson C. Cadle                   1866 - 1945

(joint marker)
John W. Smith                          5/22/1886 - 12/18/1961
Lena E. Smith                          5/24/1890 - 7/4/1961

Thelma Gladys Dodd                     9/18/1912 - 8/2/1913

Infant daughter of G. E. & O. E. Dodd  1/30/1909 - 1/30/1909

Maysel Dodd                            1904                   Infant daughter of Eva & Everett Dodd

(joint marker)
Jordan Harper                          4/27/1834 - 9/16/1907
Nancy Dodd Harper                      1839 -1932

(joint marker)
Henry B. Allen                         1862 - 1948
Clara C. Allen                         1870 - 19?             date not completed

Karol Katrina Paxton                   8/19/1963 - 1/10/1992

Romie Harper                           1903 - 1903

James W. Dodd                          8/18/1885              Son of W. B. & M. A. Dodd Age 6 years

James Gibson                           4/6/1903 - 1938

John M. Gibson                         4/12/1871 - 3/17/1956

Fannie L. Ryan                         2/29/1874 - 5/9/1909   Wife of J. M. Gibson

(joint marker)
Mamie A. Dodd                          Died 7/31/1909         Age 5 years
Lonnie E. Dodd                         Died 1/20/1901         Age 9 months
Children of W. P. & M. A. Dodd

(joint marker)
Thomas Dodd                            No Dates
Melissa Dodd                           No Dates

Ruby Dodd Paxton                       No Dates

Caroline Dodd                          No Dates

M. A. Dodd                             No Dates

Stella Harper                          1921 - 1921

Roy Arnold Harper                      10/11/1911 - 2/24/1954 WV Tec 4 139 ABN Engineer BN WWII

Dorothy Cynthia Harper                 1914 - 1932

Martha E. Haynes Harper                1881 - 1943

Ace James Harper                       1880 - 1967

Charles Elvin Paxton                   3/24/1914 - 6/19/1985  Pvt US Army WWII

Oleta Paxton                           1921 - 1936

Carrie Paxton                          1915 - 1922

(joint marker)
Olieva "Ollie" Dodd Paxton             1896 - 1978
Marshall Webster Paxton                1888 - 1941

Inez Irene Paxton                      1/1949 - 1/1949

Susan E. Sword                         9/4/1872 - 12/22/1921

T. J. Sword                            10/24/1831 - 1/7/1926  Fought in 1861 War

Elvira Sword                           6/22/1836 - 7/1910     Wife of T. J. Sword

Cora Viola Sword                       12/29/1867 - 10/28/1886

Solon Weaver Sword                     10/24/1879 - 9/23/1883

Clyde E. Godby                         1927 - 1927

Sarah Jane Shafer                      5/30/1870 - 1/1/1962

Okie May "Lowry" Shafer                1900 - 1972

Gladys Maria Shafer Rose               1927 - 1969

Carl A. Harper                         Born & Died 11/24/1918

*several graves marked only with a fieldstone or not marked at all
*notes made by transcriber

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