Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 260
Audience : All
Version 1.00
Published Date: 2008/11/30 16:22:15
Reads : 1332

Located beside of road on Ambler Ridge. Turn right off of Long Ridge, onto Ambler Ridge, about 1 1/2 miles on the right. Transcribed June 14, 2001 by Cathy Cowan and Brandy Myers

Name                             Dates           Inscriptions/Footstones
(joint stone)
Roy R. Henderson              1912 -       1988
Icie E. Henderson             1917 -       1966

(joint stone)
James Albert Moore            1890 -       1964  Married 4/27/1909
Lelia Gay Moore               1894 -       1977

(joint stone)
Lawton G. Taylor              1903 -       1984  Married 6/8/1928
Ada Moore Taylor              1912 -       1982

William M. "Bud" Rucker  2/26/1899 - 12/30/1977

Clifton Harold Taylor     6/5/1929 -  1/28/1982  (Military Footstone) Cpl US Army Korea
David Harold Taylor     12/18/1955 - 11/15/2000  PV1 US Army

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