Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 277
Audience : All
Version 1.00
Published Date: 2008/12/1 8:03:27
Reads : 1330

Transcribed June 16, 2001 by Cathy Cown

Name                                  Dates                  Inscriptions/Footstones
Mabel Jarrett Thompson                5/15/1911 - 1/19/1955  wife of John R. Thompson
John R. Thompson                      7/6/1898 - 6/15/1967
Infant son of O. E. & Nettie Thompson 8/20/1931
Jno. Grose                                                   *no dates
Mrs. Jno. Thompson Grose                                     *no dates
John Thompson                                                *no dates
R. D. Thompson                        2/22/1890 - 4/11/1926
J. H. (Poon) Thompson                 4/13/1857 - 7/21/1913  Father
(joint marker)
Chloe T. Jarvis                       1898 - 1991
George O. Jarvis                      1892 - 1963
William G. Thompson                   1854 - 1936
(joint marker)
Viola Haynes Thompson                 5/15/1877 - 12/29/1953 Mother
Everett Alvis Thompson                11/19/1875 - 1/22/1951 Father
Estel H. Thompson                     1/23/1904 - 10/10/1948 Wva Pvt 411 Coast Arty Bn (AA) WWII
Alva Morgan Thompson                  12/2/1895 - 2/7/1990   Pvt US Army WWI
(joint marker)
O. E. Thompson                        7/9/1907 - 1/25/1985
Nettie E. Thompson                    6/18/1913 - 10/10/1976
(joint marker)
Stella Eliza Thompson                 1895 - 1978
William H. Thompson                   1889 - 1963
(joint marker)
Grover H. Jarrett                     6/27/1891 - 9/26/1981  Military footstone:  PFC US Army WWI
Ava Gay Jarrett                       2/8/1901 - no date     Married 10/11/1939
Elbert C. Thompson                    12/15/1915 - 1/22/1970 Military footstone:  Wva Amm 3 USNR WWII
(joint marker)
Cecil H. Shaffer                      6/17/1906 - 10/13/1995
Nora Maysel Shaffer                   12/23/1909 - 10/9/1995

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