Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 278
Audience : All
Version 1.00
Published Date: 2008/12/1 8:06:32
Reads : 2399

Near Newton, WV

Directions - old Newton cemetery the road near the fire department is the road that leads to this cemetery.

A. W. Vineyard 6- 8-1888 - -4-28-1943.

Pocahontas Vineyard, born 1864 - -1936.
Samuel W. Vineyard, born 1856 - - died 19??.

Baby Combs Vineyard 1-12-1914.

Maud A. Vineyard 8-13-1884 - - 12-25-1890.

Opal C. Vineyard born June 9, 189? - - 8-12 -1915.

Dr., I. D. Smith 7-?-1831 - - 11-3- 189?.

Tradition holds that Dr. I. D. Smith was a direct descendant of Capt. John Smith, saved, according to history by the pleading of Pocahontas, an Indian maiden. Dr. Smith named a daughter, Pocahontas ' in memory of the Indian Miss. Pocahontas married Samuel W. Vineyard. Dr. Smith practiced medicine at Newton and had an office about the spot formerly
used as Store and post office by Henry Looney.

Special thanks to Sondra Reger, from Gene F. Elmore, Sr.'s research.

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