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Article ID : 197
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Published Date: 2008/11/20 9:40:00
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Little Creek / Triplett Baptist Church Records


Little Creek Church was constituted on the first Lord's Day in November 1853 with nine members.

(No further church records until January 1857.)


January the 10th 1857

The Church met at Californi and being duly organized proceeded to business. 1st. Resolved that we defer the election of officers untill next meeting for business. 2nd. Resolved that the clerk write a friendly letter to the Good Hope Church to let them know that Mr. ____McClung had called on us to appoint a _________to sit in council with them to reconsider his case if the Good Hope Church will consent to same. 3rd. Resolved that we adjourn to meet at Little Creek.
/s/ John Hoff, Mod, Pro Tem /s/ G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Feb. 7th, 1857 and being duly organized proceeded to business. 1st Resolved to elect our church officers whereon G. G. Springston was elected Church Clerk and John Hughes Deacon. 2nd. Resolved that we repeal the repeal the rule electing officers yearly and that they hold there office as long as good and good performance. 3rd. Resolved that the church cannot give Sister Andrews a letter under present circumstances. 4th. Resolved that the Building Com and Finance Com settle with Mr. West and proceed to the erection the meeting house in Californi. 5th. Adjourned.
/s/J. A. Wright /s/G. G. Springston, Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the Second Lord's Day in April, 1857 and proceeded to business. 1st Resolved that we Exclude Christina Andrew from our fellowship for disorderly conduct. 2nd. Resolved that any member being accused by common rumour of being guilty of any notorious or scandalous sin that they shall use every reasonable exertion to remove such stain from their character and try to satisfy that such reports are false as soon as they are made known to them by any member of the Church or be held under Sensure by the Church for their disrespect for the cause of Christ. 3rd Resolved that Brother Milton Wilson be notified to appear at our next meeting to delt with for disorderly conduct. 4th Resolved that we select someone to be our Pastor whereupon Brother J. A. Wright was unanimously selected. 5th. Adjourned.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Clerk

The Church met on Saturday before the 2nd Lord's Day in June, 1857 and being duly organized proceeded to business. 1st. Heard the report of the Com whereupon Brother Springston reported that he had notified brother Milton Wilson that the Church would take action against him for disorderly conduct. The report was accepted and the Com discharged. 2nd. Resolved that Brother Wilson be Excluded from this Church. 3rd. Adjourned.
/s/J.A. Wright, Mod. /s/G.G. Springston, Clerk

Special Meeting on Friday before the Forth Lord's Day in June, 1857. The church met in Californi Roane County Va. and proceeded to business. 1st. Receive the report of the Building Com whereon the Committee reported they had settled with brother West for his labor on the meeting house. 2nd. Resolved that brother West be paid Seven dollars and 48 cent balance due on labor. 3rd. that ascertain the amount unpaid on the lumber for the meeting house. 4th. That a deed for the lot be obtained against our meeting Aug. 5th. That we accept the bid of Brother Cain to build the meeting house in Californi and to be confirmed in Aug. Adjourned.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston, Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the Second Lord's Day in July, 1857 and proceeded top business. 1st. Resolved that the Clerk keep a note of the business transacted to be read at the close of meeting. 2nd. That the Deacons and Treasurer be instructed in regards to their duty. 3rd. that Bros. Hoff, Hughes and A. Springston be delegates to the Association and Bros. W. & G.G. Springston in case of failure. 4th. Adjourned.
/s/J. A. Wright /s/G. G. Springston, Clk

August the 9th, 1857
The Church met and being duly constituted proceeded to business. 1st. Resolved that we receive the letter to the Association. 2nd. Received the letter of Brother and Sister Smith. 3rd. That Brethern W. Hoff and G.G. Springston be a Soliciting Com. 4th. That we accept the bid of Brother J. Cain to build the meeting house in Cal. 5th. Adjourned.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod/s/G. G. Springston, Clk

October the 10th, 1857
The Church met and being no business adjourned.
/s/J A. Wright, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Clk

November the 14th, 1857
The Church met and being no business adjourned.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Clk

Saturday Dec 4th 1857
1st. Called for refferences. 2nd. Resolved that we adjourn. Done by order of the Church.
/s/J A. Wright, Mod. /s/J. W. Cain, Clk Pro Tem


February the 13th, 1858
The Church met according to adjournment and proceeded to business. 1st. Resolved that Brother Bennett be our Moderator. 2nd. that we receive Sister Catharine Vandall. 3rd. Resolved that we take a collection for the erection of a meeting house in Californi or a lot to build on. 4th. that we adjourn. Done by order of the Church.
/s/J. Bennett, Mod Pro Tem /s/G. G. Springston, Clk

March the 12th 1858
1st. Called for refferences.
2nd. Res that we receive the letter of Brother and Sister Bartlett.
3rd. That we call Brother Wright as Pastor.
4th. That Brother G. G. Springston work on recommendation and subscription.
5th. Adjourned.
/s/A. Springston, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the third Lord's Day in June 1858 and after Sermon by Elder J.A. Wright proceeded to Business.
1st. Resolved that accusations against Brother Wright in regards to his conduct toward other denominations are false. 2nd. that proceedings of the June and March meetings be forwarded to the Corresponding Secretary of the Northwestern Missionary Board. 3rd. that we adjourn.
/s/A. Springston, Mod /s/G.G. Springston, Clk

July the 17th 1858
The Church met and after Sermon by Eld Wright proceeded to Business.
1st. Resolved that we appoint Delegates to the association.
2nd. Res that we delegate brethern Thomas Bartlett, Jacob Heckhert and William Springston.
3rd. Res. That we adjourn.
/s/J .A. Wright, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Clk

The Church met according to adjournment on Saturday before the third Lord's Day in September, 1858, and after Sermon by Eld. J.A. Wright proceeded to business. 1st. Hear the report from delegates to the Association whereupon Brother William Springston reported they had a tolerable interesting Session. 2nd. Resolved that we granting letter of dismission to Brother John Hughes and wife. 4th. Resolved that we adjourn untill our next meeting in course.
/s/J.A. Wright, Mod /s/G.G. Springston, Clk

November the 20th 1858
The Church met and after Sermon by Brother J. A. Wright proceeded to business.
1st. Called for refferences. 2nd Res. That we elect Brother John Hoff Deacon. 3rd. Res. That hereafter we hold our church meetings at Little Creek School house. 4th. Adjourned.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk

The Church met on Saturday before the third Lord's Day in December, 1858 and after Sermon proceeded to business. 1st. Chose Brother Little Moderator. 2nd. Resolved that we adjourn.
/s/Brother Little, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Ch Clk


March the 19th 1859
The Church met and being duly in order proceeded to business. First Resolved that we call for a Pastor. Second Res that we call Brother Wright which resulted in a unanimous vote in favor of the same.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod /s/G.G. Springston, Clk

April 16th 1859
The Church met and after the Sermon by Brother J. A. Wright proceeded to business. 1st Resolved that we petition the Board to aid us in supporting our pastor a missionary. 2nd. Res. That we grant letters of dismission to Brother Hoff and wife and Brother Smith and wife. 3rd. Res. That we adjourn.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Clk

June the 19th 1859
The Church met and after the Sermon the Moderator called for refferences and there being none proceeded to new business. 1st Resolved that we delegate brethern J. A. Wright, A. Springston, and G. G. Springston to the Association. 2nd Resolved that we adjourn
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod. /s/G. G. Springston Clk

July 11th 1859
The Church met and after Sermon proceeded to business. 1st. Resolved that we receive the letter prepared by the Clerk to the Association. 2nd. Resolved that we grant Sister Lydia Clevenger a letter of dismissal and recommendation. 3rd. Resolved we adjourn.
/s/J. A. Wright, Mod /s/G. G. Springston, Clk

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