Tanner, McDonald, Starcher, Greathouse and many others

Researcher Name: wvsassy463

Researcher Email: (not provided)

Post Date: 12/04/2007

I am looking for any information on Jesse (the man they called Buffalo) and his wife Judith Miller. Their son, Henry Lawson Tanner married Jane Greathouse, I am looking for their marriage, birth and any other things on them. I live in NC, so it is not easy for me to get to WV much. And my tangled web of Starchers.


From: WVweaver
Re: Tanner, McDonald, Starcher, Greathouse and many others
January 02, 2008 04:10PM

Jesse Tanner is also my ancestor but as to "Judith Miller" I have conflicting
information depending on the source. Jesse's daughter Nancy is my connection.
She married William B Starcher.

Jesse was married the first time around 1818 and died 26 March, 1885 in Roane Co.,WV and is buried in Spencer Memorial Cemm. One source says he was in Co.F
CSA, 30 BN eyes born in VA.

I have several very good leads on his genealogy but nothing concrete.
Please contact me if you want to know posbibilities.


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Published: 12/12/2021 9:28  
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Comments: 1
 Re: Tanner, McDonald, Starcher, Greathouse and many others
Henry Lawson Tanner is my line
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