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Article ID : 200
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Published Date: 2008/11/20 11:33:39
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The church met Sat. January 10, 1891 and being without a Pastor opened meeting by reading, singing and prayer.
On motion bro. C. Tyson was elected Mod. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. On motion the church proceeded to cal la pastor. Bro. C. N. Fox was called as pastor. On motion a committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions-Sisters Lizzie Newlon and Fannie Hanger and bro. T. H. Springston.
Sexton reported $1.10 + 1.27 = $2.37. On motion the church adjourned to meet the second Sunday in February.
Bro. C. Tyson, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk

The church met Sat. February 7, 1891, and being without a Pastor opened meeting with reading, singing and prayers. Brother T. H. Springston was elected Moderator. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Report of committees called for. Bro. T. H. Springston reported $19.45 and Sister Fannie Hanger 14.00 subscribed on the Pastor's salary. On motion the Moderator appointed the following named persons committee for our church. J. C. Bartlett, C. F. West and Jeff Springston. Brother J. V. Bartlett was appointed as committee to see that the Court approved of the appointment. Treasurer reported $24.83 - 15.50 in his hand. Sexton reported 15 cts. + 2.27 = 2.42 On motion the church adjourned to meet Saturday before the second Sunday in March.
Bro. T. H. Springston, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk

The church met March 7, 1891, and after sermon by bro. Jiles Burdett proceeded to business. Brother Burdett was elected Mod. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Report of committees called for. Sexton reported $1.00 + 2.42 = $3.42. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in April.
Rev Jiles Burdett
Jeff Springston

The church met April 11, 1891, and sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Report of committees called for. On motion the committee to purchase lamps and carpet for the church was instructed to use their judgment as to buying lamps for the church now or carpet. On motion the church granted the request of brethern and sisters of Beech, Calhoun, and brethern Joseph Corder and T. H. Springston were appointed to meet with the brethern and sisters on Saturday before the fifth Sunday in May at Road Run Schoolhouse. On motion sister Theodocia Morford was appointed to visit sisters Janie Marks and Minerva Wagnor. Sister Dora Bartlett was appointed to notify sister Morford as she was present. On motion it was agreed to pay bro Fox $60 a year. On motion brother Perry Mace was restored to the fellowship of the church. The church extended the hand of fellowship to the following named brethern and sisters Perry Mace, Lida Meadows and Dora Bartlett. The following named persons have been received for baptism and baptized: Carl Walker, Ira Simmons, Charlie Starcher, Lon Epling, Lyda Meadows and Dora Bartlett. On motion the following named brethern and sisters were granted letters of dismission and recommendation: James C. Bartlett, J. W. Walker, Marion Walker, Frank Starcher, I. N. Epling, A. J. Meadows, S. C. Walker, Clara Epling, Virena Walker, Ella Epling, Nannie Walker, Ellonor Meadows, Zelda J. Epling, Dora D. Walker, Ella Walker, _____Miller, and Dora Bartlett. Also Perry Mace and wife were granted letters of dismission and recommendation. Treasurer reported 15 cts. + $2.42 = $2.57. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in May.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Ch Clk

The church met May 9, 1891, at two o'clock and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Sister Theodocia Morford reported and was discharged. The report was adopted. On motion brother Theodore Bartlett was restored to the fellowship of the church. On motion the brethern and sisters of the Bartlett Schoolhouse were granted their request and the following named persons were appointed to set in seats in the council at the Bartlett Schoolhouse on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in May to recognize the brethern and sisters as an independent church. On motion the following named brethern and sisters J. F. Bartlett, T. S. Bartlett and Sarah Walker were granted letters to go with the organization at the Bartlett Schoolhouse. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in June.
Rev J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk

May 10 1891 The following named brethern Oak Newlon, Bash Newlon, Americus and George Hix were baptized.

The Church met June 15, 1891, at two o'clock and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Report of committees called for. T. H. Springston reported a church organized on Beech of Henry's Fork and recognized as an independent church. Bro. C. Tyson reported also a church organized at the Bartlett Schoolhouse and recognized as an independent church by the council. Bro. T. H. Springston reported $6.50 subscribed on Pastor's salary since his last report + 19.45 = 25.95. Sister Fanny Hanger's subscriptions list shows $4.00 subscribed since her last report + 14.00 = 18.00 + 25.95 = $43.95. Sexton reported $1.25 paid since last month +3.57 = $4.82. Brother J. N. Fox presented the church with a fine Illustrated Bible. On motion the church received the Bible and voted ------ to the donor. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in July.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston

The Triplett Baptist Church met July 11, 1891, and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business. On motion J. V. Bartlett was elected clerk protem. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. On motion a committee was appointed by request of Cedar Grove Church to consider the propriety of ordaining brother Williams to the full work of the ministry. Committee J. V. Bartlett and W. A. McCoy. Treasurer reported $1.26 balance in his hand. Paid Pastor to date $15.25. Meeting adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in Aug. Rev. J. Fox, Mod.
J. V. Bartlett, Clk Protem

The Triplett Baptist Church August 8, 1891
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at 2 o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor the church proceeded to business. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Report of committees called for. Bro. T. H. Springston reported $37.35 subscribed on Pastor's salary + 18.00 subscribed to sister Fanny Hanger = $53.35. The committee of ordination reported brother Williams ordained. On motion the clerk was instructed to prepare a letter for the Association-also to read at our next regular meeting the Church Covenant and Articles of Faith. On motion a committee was appointed to collect mission money. Com. Bertha Springston, Ola Springston and Ruth Hanger. On motion delegates were appointed to the Association. Names of delegates: W. A. McCoy, J. V. Bartlett and Jeff Springston. On motion brethern Thomas and Lon Epling were received into the fellowship of the church and granted letters of dismission and recommendation to unite with the Little Creek Baptist Church. Treasurer reported the church is due the Pastor $10.75 and that he has been paid $14.25. Meeting adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in September.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church September 12, 1891
The church held its regular meeting this afternoon for business at 2 o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor the church proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Report of committees called for. The soliciting committee for missions reported as follows: Sister Olie Springston $5.20, sister Bertha Springston $1.70, sister Ruth Hanger 2.45 + 5.20 + 1.70 = $9.35.
The Treasurer reported $17.70 on Pastor's salary. On request of the Moderator the Clerk read the Rules of Decorum. The Clerk not having the letter to the Association prepared was given to the next day to prepare it. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in October.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk

Sunday September 13. Call meeting. The Clerk read the letter that had been prepared form the church to the Association and it was adopted by the Church. On motion the Treasurer was ordered to pay $1.25 for the church As. Minutes + (?) = (?).

The Triplett Baptist Church October 10, 1891
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock.
After sermon by the Pastor the church proceeded to business. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, corrected and approved. Reports of committees called for. Bro. J. V. Bartlett reported as one of the delegates to the Association. He reported _______ time. On motion one dollar for State Mission money paid to Bro. Fox for his membership in the General Association. Treasurer reported $27.00 paid on Pastor's salary. Sexton reported $1.82 paid on the present year and the church owes him $1.18. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in November. Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk

The Triplett Baptist Church November 7, 1891
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor, the church proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Reports of committees called for. On motion the Protestant _________ were invited to use our church house. On motion J. A. Corder, C. Tyson and Jeff Springston were appointed to obtain the correct membership of the church. Treasurer reported nothing. Sexton reported .10 + 1.82 = 1.92. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in December.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk

The Triplett Baptist Church December 13, 1891
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. On motion the Duties of the Sexton of Triplett Baptist Church were adopted. It shall be the duty of the Sexton to prepare the wood ______ _____weather____ ____
2. To sweep the house and have the seats and lamps prepared for every occasion that the church holds a service in the house.
3. To build fire in both stoves at least forty minutes before the hour of service.
4. To clean well and scrub the house once a quarter and the church shall pay promptly once a month such sum as shall be agreed upon for service.
Treasurer reported $8.25 paid on Pastor's salary since last month. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in January.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Ch Clk

December 18, 1891. Sister Martha _____ presented her letter of dismission and recommendation from Ebenezer Church and on hearing the letter read, it received _______ __________ __________ hand of fellowship.

December 19, 1891. Brother __________ was received by experience and extended the hand of fellowship.
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor the church proceeded to business. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. On motion a committee was appointed to effect a reconciliation between brother and sister Hildreth and the church. The following named persons were appointed C. Tyson and Jeff Springston. Treasurer reported $33.69 paid Pastor's salary. Sexton reported 50� on the present year and 25� on last year. The door of the church was opened and the following named persons presented themselves for membership. On motion Sister Lydia Newlon and bro. E. H. Bartlett were received on their experience and on motion bro. Charles Newlon was received for baptism. Sister Lizzie Talman reports by letter to the church. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in March.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk

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