January 8, 1898
The church met and the pastor being absent, after devotional exercises, proceeded to business.
1. On motion, Bro. J. A. Corder was elected Mod. ProTempore.
2. Treasurer reported $1.75 on salary of pastor and $.29 cents on incidental expenses.
3. On motion, the motion to protract was suspended to be considered at the next meeting.
4. On motion, it was ordered that we dispense with our Sunday meeting on account of the meeting in progress at the Eagle Chapel.
5. On motion, adjourned.
J. A. Corder, Moderator Protem
J. S. West, Church Clerk
February 12, 1898
The church met and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business.
1. On motion, brethern John Marks and Willie Short and Sisters Linnie Radabaugh, Virgie Springston, Annie Hanger, May Bell, Myrtle Mace, Roxie T. Corder, Laura Mace, Effie Marks and Mary Marks were received for baptism.
2. Rules of Decorum were called for and read.
3. The motion to protract was called for and read.
4. The motion to protract meeting was lost.
5. Treasurer reported $2.25 on pastor's salary and $.10 cents on incidental expenses.
6. On motion, the resignation of bro. M. Showen as sexton was accepted.
7. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
J. S. West, Ch Clk
March 12 1898
The church met this evening and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business.
1. On motion, sisters Zona Corder and Edna Newlon were received for baptism.
2. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
3. Treasurer reported $1.75 on pastor's salary and $3.12 on incidental expenses.
4. Reading of Rules of Decorum deferred until next meeting.
5. On motion, adjourned
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, church Clk.
April 9, 1898
The church held its regular meeting and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business.
1. On motion, sister May Blosser was received for baptism.
2. Treasurer reported $1.75 on pastor's salary and $.10 cents on incidental expenses.
3. Rules of Decorum were read according to appointment
4. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, church clerk
Note: Sunday, April 10, 1898
Sisters May Blosseer, Annie Hanger, Edna Newlon, May Bell, Lunnie Radabaugh were baptized by Rev. Fox.
May 7, 1898
The church held its regular meeting and after sermon by pastor proceeded to business.
1. Treasurer reported $2.25 on pastor's salary since last report and $41.75 on last year's salary. $1.16 on incidental expenses since last report.
2. On motion, it was ordered that a collection be taken for the purpose of purchasing a pitcher, glasses and duster for the church.
3. On motion, sisters Gay Hanger, Osie Morford and Berta Springston were appointed to assist in raising money for the below mentioned purpose.
4. On motion, it was ordered that Bro. J. A. Corder and family be released if they wish to be, from paying to pastor of this church so that they may assist the brethern of like faith and order at Leather Bark Calhoun County West Virginia.
5. By common consent Bro. C. D. Springston was appointed to solicit subscription from members of this church for the support of the gospel at Leather Bark Calhoun County W. Va.
6. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
J. S. West, Church Clerk
Notes: Sunday, a. m. May 8, 1898
1. Sisters Annie Hanger, May Bell, Edna Newlon and May Blosser extended the hand of fellowship.
2. Sunday, p. m., May 8, 1898. Preaching at Pup Run according to appointment, by pastor, Rev. J. N. Fox.
3. The church was called to order for the transaction of business by the Mod.
4. On motion, sister Artie Price was received for baptism.
5. Bros. John Marks and Willie Short, and sisters Effie Marks, Roxie Corder, Zona Corder Mary Marks, Myrtle Mace, Virgie Springston, Laura Mace and Artie Price were baptized by the pastor, Rev. J. N. Fox.
J. S. West, church Clerk
June 11, 1898
The church met and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business
1. Sister Ina West was received for baptism.
2. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
3. Treasurer reported $2.00 on last year's salary of pastor, $4.00 on present year, and $1.27 on incidental expenses.
4. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, church Clerk
1. Sister Ina West received the hand of fellowship
2. Bros. Jon Marks and Willie Short, and sisters May Bell, Myrtle Mace, Mary Marks, Lunnie Radabaugh, and Virgie Springston received the hand of fellowship.
J. S. West, Clerk
July 9, 1898
The church met and after sermon by pastor proceeded to business.
1. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
2. Treasurer reported $1.25 on present year's salary of pastor, $4.50 on last year's salary and $.05 on incidental expenses.
3. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, church Clerk
Notes: Sunday July 10, 1898
The church was called to order by the Moderator for the transaction of business.
1. On motion, sister Lucy M. Hanger who has been immersed some years ago by Rev. Wilbur Spencer, was received into full connection with this church after which the hand of fellowship was extended to her and sisters Roxie and Zona Corder.
2. The finance committee, the Deacons, appointed sisters Jemima Corder, Florence West, Lucy Hanger, Osie Morford, Myrtle McCoy, and Hattie Newlon a committee to raise money for the various mission fields.
3. Sunday evening, July 10, 1898
4. Sister Ina West who had been received for Baptism at the June meeting, 1898, baptized by the pastor in the West Fork at the mouth of Triplett at 4 o'clock P. M. J. S. West, church Clerk
August 13, 1898
The church held its regular meeting this evening and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business.
1. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
2. Brother Jeff Springston reported $29.50 subscribed on pastor's salary.
3. Sister Myrtle McCoy reported fifty cents Home Missions, sixty cents Foreign missions and fifty cents for State Mission signed and paid.
4. Treasurer reported $1.00 on last year's salary of pastor, $1.00 on present year and $.25 on incidental expenses since last report.
5. On motion, the resignation of bro. J. C. Bartlett as trustee of this church was accepted.
6. On motion, Bro. C. F. West was appointed trustee of this church in lieu of Bro. J. C. Bartlett, resigned.
7. On motion the clerk was ordered to prepare a letter to the Association
8. On motion, brethern C. W. Thomas, Martin Mace and John Marks were appointed delegates to the Association.
9. On motion, sisters Jemima Corder, Sarah Hanger and Florence West and brethern Jeff Springston and S. J. Newlon were appointed a committee on entertaining.
10. On motion, brethern E. H. Bartlett, J. S. West, Wm. Stalnaker, Jeff Springston and J. A. Corder were appointed a committee to prepare an arbor.
11. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N Fox, Moderator
J.S. West, Ch Clerk
Notes: Sunday, August 14, 1898 Sister Ina West received the hand of fellowship.
September 10, 1898
The church held its regular session this evening and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business.
1. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
2. Treasurer reported $.25 on last years salary of pastor, $4.00 on present year and $.70 on incidental expenses.
3. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
J. S. West, church Clerk
October 8, 1898
The church held her regular meeting this evening and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
1. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
2. On motion, the report of the committee on entertainment of the Association was received and committee discharged.
3. On motion, the committee to prepare grove was discharged.
4. Treasurer reported $.50 cents on last year's salary of pastor, $.70 on present year and $.35 on incidental expenses. Also, that $12.35 had been paid on present year's salary and that $53.00 was the entire amount of salary paid last year. Treasurer reported $.80 cents had been paid on pump and steps.
5. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk
November 12, 1898
After sermon by pastor, proceeded to business.
1. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
2. Treasurer reported $2.30 on last year's salary of pastor, $5.25 on present year and $.18 on incidental expenses.
3. On motion, the church decided to hold a revival meeting to begin on Friday before Christmas.
4. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
Jeff Springston, Clerk Protem
December 9, 1898
The church held its regular meeting this evening and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
1. Treasurer reported $1.25 on pastor's salary and $.55 cents on incidental expenses.
2. On motion, A. R. Thomas and J. S. West were allowed the privilege of having Christmas exercises in the Church, the members present agreeing to help maintain good order.
3. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J.S. West, Ch Clerk