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Article ID : 201
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Published Date: 2008/11/20 11:39:59
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Little Creek / Triplett Baptist Church Records


Jan. 9. Services conducted by Bro. S. J. Newlon.
1. On motion Bro. S. J. Newlon was elected Moderator Pro-tempore.
2. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
3. Treasurer reported $11.92 on Pastor's salary and $2.13 on incidentals.
4. On motion adjourned
S. J. Newlon, Moderator Pro-tem.
J. S. West, Ch. Clerk

Feb. 13, 1897 The church met and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Treasurer reported $1.35 pastor's salary and $.35 for incidental expenses.
On motion adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Clerk
March 13, 1897
Church met and after sermon by the Pastor transacted the following business. The clerk being absent, on motion of Bro. S. J. Newlon, C. F. West was elected clerk protem. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Treasurer reported $4.85 collected during the past month on pastor's salary and $1.05 for sexton. On motion adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
C. F. West, clerk Protem

April 10, 1897
The church held its regular meeting and after sermon by pastor, proceeded to business. Treasurer reported $6.65 on last year's salary of pastor, and $.50 on current year and $.55 for incidental expenses. On motion of T. H. Springston, brother M. Showen was retained as Sexton on terms of last year. On motion, sisters Jemima Corder, Lizzie Newlon and Bro. Jeff Springston were appointed a committee to solicit subscriptions on pastor's salary for current year. On motion adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

Sunday, April 11, 1897
The church was called to order for the transaction of business. On motion sister Annie Newlon was received for baptism. On motion the appointment of all soliciting committees were rescinded and the entire finance of the church intrusted to the Deacons. Sister Lillie West received the hand of fellowship. Dismissed by the pastor.
J. S. West, Clerk
May 8, 1897
The church met and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business.
1. On motion Ira S. Bartlett was granted a letter to unite with the Little Creek Baptist Church.
2. Treasurer reported $3.75 on last year's salary of pastor. $7.00 on current year and $.45 cents for current incidental expenses.
3. On motion it was ordered that a new article providing for a report of Deacons be inserted in the order of business to be known as article No. 6 of said order.
4. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

Saturday, June 12, 1897
The church met and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business.
1. On motion sisters Jane and Winnie Short were received for baptism and the hand of welcome was given.
2. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
3. Treasurer reported $1.00 paid on pastor's salary and $.35 cts. on incidental expenses.
4. On motion it was ordered that the Rules of Decorum be read at the June, September, December, and March meetings in each year.
5. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk
Saturday, July 10, 1897
The church met and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
1. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
2. Brother Ira S. Bartlett was dismissed by common consent.
3. Treasurer reported $3.60 on pastor's salary and $.38 cents on incidental expenses.
4. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, ch. Clerk

Note: Sunday, July 11, 1897, sisters Jane Short, Annie Newlon and Winnie Short were baptized.
J. S. West, church clerk

Sat., Aug. 7, 1897
Church met and after sermon by pastor proceeded to business.
1. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
2. Treasurer reported $2.60 on pastor's salary and $.41 on incidental expenses.
3. On motion, delegates were appointed to the Association. Names of Delegates
Delegates Alternates
Jemima Corder J. A. Corder
J. S. West W. A. McCoy
J. D. Springston W. T. Craig
On motion, Adjourned
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Ch. Clerk

Sept. 11, 1897
The church met and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business. Treasurer reported $2.70 on pastor's salary and $1.24 on incidental expenses. On motion it was ordered that we protract the November meeting. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Ch. Clerk

Saturday, Oct. 10, 1897
The church met and after sermon by pastor proceeded to business.
1. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
2. Bro. Jeff Springston, delegate to the Association reported a good association.
3. Treasurer reported $2.50 on pastor's salary and $.86 on incidentals.
4. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
J. S. West, church Clerk
Sisters Jane and Winnie Short received the hand of fellowship.

Nov. 13, 1897
The church met and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
1. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
2. Treasurer reported $4.12 on pastor's salary and $.20 on incidental expenses.
3. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, ch Clerk

December 11, 1897
The church met and after devotional exercise, conducted by C. F. West who had been duly elected Moderator Pro Tempore, proceeded to business.
1. Brother Jeff Springston reported $33.85 cents subscribed on pastor's salary.
2. Treasurer reported $7.30 on salary of pastor and $1.47 on incidental expenses.
3. On motion, it was ordered that the clerk be empowered to insert "Triplett Baptist Church" in lieu of "Little Creek Baptist Church", in the Constitution of this church, "Triplett" being the proper name.
4. Clerk read Rules of Decorum and Constitution.
5. On motion, adjourned.
C. F. West, Moderator ProTempore
J. S. West, Church Clerk

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