The Triplett Baptist Church March 12, 1892
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor, the church proceeded to business. The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. The committee to visit sister and brother Hildreth reported; and on motion the report was received and committee was discharged. Sister Lizzie Newlon's subscription list showed $11.50 subscribed on Pastor's salary. On motion the church acknowledged that she did not treat sister Hildreth right. On motion the church canceled the resolution excluding her members for failing to report themselves either in person or by letter to the church for twelve months. On motion the church proceeded to call a pastor; the ballot stood 22 for bro. J. N. Fox and 2 for bro. D. N. Conley. On motion the call for bro. J. N. Fox was made Indefinite (Ed: probably meant "Unanimous"). Treasurer reported $14.25 + 33.69 = $47.94 the amount paid on Pastor's salary. Sexton reported nothing paid since last month. The door of the church was opened and the following named persons presented themselves: Sister Florence West with a certificate of her baptism from bro. J. M. Wood. On motion she was received. On motion bro. Chandler was received for baptism. The hand of fellowship was extended to sister West and bro. John Price. Also the hand of fellowship to bro. Chandler. Soliciting committee S. J. Newlon, J. A. Corder and J. S. West. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in April. Bro. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church April 9, 1892
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Brother S. J. Newlon reported $26.75 subscribed on Pastor's salary. On motion bills were posted requesting persons not to spit amber on the floor and stoves. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in May.
Bro. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
Note: April 10
The church was called to order by the Moderator to transact some business. On motion the Ministers and Deacons were invited to meet with us.
The Triplett Baptist Church May 7, 1892
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor, the church proceeded to business. The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Report of committees called for. Brother J. A. Corder reported $10.00 subscribed on Pastor's salary + $26.75 = $36.75. On motion the church acknowledged that it had done wrong in excluding members without notice and invited such back to membership.
On motion all money was to be paid into the Treasurer's hands.
On motion, the Treasurer was authorized to pay the Pastor and the Sexton all money in his hands. The Treasurer reported $3.69 paid Pastor in present year.
Sexton reported $2.40 + .50 = $2.90.
On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in June.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church June 11, 1892
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. On motion, bro. Charley Starkey was granted a letter of dismission and recommendation. On motion a new order of business was adopted. Treasurer reported $3.00 on Pastor's salary. Brother Chandler extended the hand of fellowship. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in July.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
Note: June 12, 1892
The church called to order by the Mod. On motion, bro. A. K. West was granted a letter of dismission and recommendation.
The Triplett Baptist Church July 8, 1892
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor, proceeded to business. Minutes read and approved. On motion, a committee on entertainment of the Ministers and Deacons meeting to be held in Aug Conv. S. J. Newlon, Jeff Springston.
Treasurer reported $4.50 paid Pastor this month and sexton 10�. On motion the church adjourned to meet Saturday before the second Sunday in Aug.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church August 13, 1892
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After singing and prayer, proceeded to business. On motion, bro. S. J. Newlon was elected Mod. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. On motion the report of the committee on church register was received and comm. discharged. On motion bro. Harvey Walker was granted a letter of dismission and recommendation.
Treasurer reported $2.30 paid Pastor this month and Sexton $1.52. On motion the Mod. appointed Messengers to the Association-Messengers J. S. West, J. A. Corder and Lydia Radabaugh. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in September.
S. J. Newlon, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church September 10, 1892
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor, proceeded to business. On motion the letter to the Association was adopted. J. S. West reported $!5 subscribed on Pastor's salary + $36.75 = $51.75. On motion $5.00 was to be paid for State Missions which was to go as one installment on bro. Fox's life membership in the General Association.
On motion the Messengers to the Association were instructed to pledged the church for $10.00 missionary money. To be divided as follows: $5.00 for S. and $2.50 for Home. $2.50 for Foreign. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in October.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jef Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church October 8, 1892
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor, proceeded to business. Treasurer reported $6.23 paid on Pastor's salary & 25� paid Sexton. On motion bro. S. J. Newlon was appointed to collect the Missionary money to be paid to the church this year. On motion the church adjourned to meet Saturday before the second Sunday in November.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church November 12, 1892
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Treasurer reported $12.75 paid on Pastor's salary for this year. On motion the church decided to hold a protracted meeting beginning with the January meeting. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in December.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church December 10, 1892
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor, proceeded to business. On motion bro. W. A. McCoy was appointed a committee to purchase lamps for the church. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in January.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church January 7, 1893
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor, proceeded to business. Treasurer reported $43.44 paid the Pastor and that the church is due the Sexton $1.19for his services. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in February.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
January 21. On motion, bro. Wm. Craig was restored to fellowship of the church. January 22 Sisters Hattie Newlon and Charlotte Craig were received for baptism. Also bro. W. A. McCoy was paid $4.40 for lamp purchased for the church.
The Triplett Baptist Church met according to adjournment, February 11, 1893. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Brother W. A. McCoy made his report of the purchase of lamp. Treasurer reported $46.91 paid on Pastor's salary. On motion it was made the duty of the Sexton to buy oil for the church lamps and to draw the money from the Treasurer. On motion adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in March.
J. N. Fox, Mod.
C. F. West, Clk protem
The Triplett Baptist Church March 11, 1893
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. On motion sister Osie Morford was received for baptism and extended the hand of welcome. On motion the following named brethern ad sisters were granted letters of dismission and recommendation: Brethern G. T. West, C. F. West, and J. A. Showen. Sisters Mary A. West, Florence C. West, and Lydia Radabaugh.
Treasurer reported .50� + 46.91 = $47.41 paid on Pastor's salary. On motion the church adjourned to meet in Saturday before the second Sunday in April.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church April 8, 1893
The church held it regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. On motion, sisters Docia Morford, Bertha Springston and Jemima Corder was approved to solicit subscriptions on the Pastor's salary. On motion brother J. V. Bartlett and S. J. Newlon was appointed to meet in council at the Zion M. P. Church to considering the propriety in recognizing some Brethern and Sisters as an independent Baptist Church. On motion the church adjourned to meet Saturday before the second Sunday in May.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church May 13, 1893
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Committee on Pastor's salary reported. Sister Jemima Corder reported $11.00 subscribed and sister Bertha Springston $22.50 subscribed = $33.50. Treasurer reported $3.00 back on last year and $3.00 paid on present year. On motion the church decided to buy three cord of wood for the church. The wood to be cut and corded up on the church lot by the first of October. On motion brethern W. A. McCoy and T. H. Springston were appointed to receive bids for the getting of the wood. On motion the church took up a collection to buy a broom for the church. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in June.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church June 10, 1893
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Committee on Pastor's salary reported as follows: Jemima Corder $2.25, Theodocia Morford $23.00 + 33.50 = $58.75 subscribed on Pastor's salary. Treasurer reported $3.25 paid on present year and $2.50 on last year. On motion bids were received for the sweeping of the house and building of fires. On motion the church adjourned to met on Saturday before the second Sunday in July.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church July 8, 1893
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by Pastor proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in August.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church August 17, 1893
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor to business. Sister Corder reported 414.25 subscribed on Pastor's salary. The total being $59.75 subscribed. On motion the church prepared to meet the Association. The clerk was instructed to prepare the letter to the Association. S. J. Newlon, J. V. Bartlett and J. A. Corder were appointed Delegates. On motion Sister Clara Bartlett was mad a committee to secure money to purchase an organ for the church. Treasurer reported $7.75 paid since his last report. The total being $14.00. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in September.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
The Triplett Baptist Church September 9, 1893
The church met pursuant to adjournment at two o'clock. Sermond by the Pastor. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion S. J. Newlon elected clerk protem. On motion the letter be adopted after being filled as to finance. Report of Treasurer 50�. The committee reported that they had procured the wood. Three cord at $1.25 per cord. The report received and committee discharged. Adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in October. Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
S. J. Newlon, Clk Protem
The Triplett Baptist Church October 7, 1893
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Door of the church was opened and bro. & sister Stalnaker presented their letter s of dismission and recommendation from sister churches. Letters were read by the Pastor and on motion bro. & sister Stalnaker were received and the hand of fellowship was extended to them. The church minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. On motion, Bro. Okey Bower was granted a letter of dismission and recommendation. On motion the time for receiving bids was to be closed with the November meeting. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in November.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
Triplett Baptist Church November 11, 1893
The church held its regular meeting this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Door of the church was opened and sister Massalonia (Chenoweth) Springston presented her letter of dismission and recommendation from the White Oak Church. On motion she was received and extended the hand of fellowship. On motion the time for employing a Sexton was deferred until the next meeting. On motion the church proceeded to buy lumber to put a new floor in the platform in front of the church. Bro. E. H. Bartlett was appointed to attend to the matter. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in December.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk1893
Triplett Baptist Church December 9, 1893
The church held its regular meeting this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by bro. J. C. Rexroad proceeded to business. On motion bro. Rexroad was elected Moderator. Minutes of previous meting were read and approved. On motion a committee was appointed to contract with some person to build a fire and take care of the house. Names of committee: William Craig, William Stalnaker, and S. J. Newlon. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in January.
Rev. J. C. Rexroad, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk