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Article ID : 200
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Published Date: 2008/11/20 11:33:39
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The Triplett Baptist Church January 13, 1894
The church held its regular meeting this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. The committee to employ a Sexton reported they had received two bids, M. Showen 50� and E. H. Bartlett 65�. On motion the report was received which resulted in the election of E. H. Bartlett. Bro. E . H. Bartlett reported that the cost of the platform was two dollars $2.00. Amount paid on same $1.10. Treasurer reported $5.25 paid on Pastor's salary. On motion the church adjourned to meet Saturday before the second Sunday in February.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk
Note: January 22
Received for baptism, Merta McCoy and Delia Craig

The Triplett Baptist Church February 10, 1894
The church held its regular meeting this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Treasurer reported $4.40 paid on Pastor's salary; and Sexton $4.08. On motion the following named brethern were appointed trustees for the church, E. H. Bartlett, J. T. Morford and J. A. Corder. On motion S. J. Newlon was appointed to have the foregoing brethern confirmed by the Court as Trustees. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in March.
Rev. J. N. Box, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk

The Triplett Baptist Church March 10, 1894
The church held its regular meeting this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Treasurer reported $6.00 paid on Pastor's salary; sixty four cents paid the ex-sexton. On motion Bro. Douglas was to have the use of the church house this spring & summer for school purposes for which he was to pay a reasonable rent. On motion the same committee that solicited subscriptions on the Pastor's salary last year was re-appointed. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in April.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk

The Triplett Baptist Church April 7, 1894
The church held its regular meeting this evening at two o'clock. After reading, singing and prayer, the church proceeded to business. On motion bro. S. J. Newlon was elected Mod. S. J. Newlon reported the foregoing persons were confirmed by the Court as Trustees of the Triplett Church. Sister Jemima Corder reported $15.75 subscribed on Pastor's salary. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in May.
S. J. Newlon, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk

The Triplett Baptist Church May 12, 1894
The Church held its regular meeting this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Committee on Pastor's salary reported as follows: Sister Jemima Corder $19.75, Sister Bertha Springston 9.50. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in June.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk

The Triplett Baptist Church June 9, 1894
The church held its regular meeting for business this evening at two o'clock. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Treasurer reported $53.35 paid on last year and $3.35 paid on this year. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in July.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk.

The Triplett Baptist Church July 7, 1894
The church held its regular meeting at two o'clock this evening. After sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Committee on Pastor's salary reported as follows: Docia Morford $22.50. On motion a missionary committee was appointed to collect missionary money. Names of committee, Sisters Belle West, Jemima Corder and Lizzie Newlon. Treasurer reported $5.25 + 3.25 = $8.50. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in August-8/12.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clerk

The Triplett Baptist Church met Aug. 12, 1894 at 2 P.M. and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to transact business. On motion, bro. J. V. Bartlett was appointed Sec'y Protem. On motion the following delegates were appointed to the Association: Bros. S. J. Newlon, J. S. West, and Thomas Springston. Special meeting of the church on Sunday Aug. 12, 1894. On motion the church adjourned to meet Sept. 8, 1894.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clerk

Saturday September 8, 1894
Church met and after sermon by bro. McMillan, the church proceeded to business. C. D. Springston was appointed Clerk Protem. On motion sister Rosa (Burgess) Chambers was granted a certificate of church membership. Bro. S. J. Newlon was appointed a committee to collect money for Minutes. On motion of bro. T. H. Springston sister Jane Marks was excluded from the fellowship of our church on charge of joining the M. P. Church. On motion, adjourned to meet at next regular meeting.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
C. D. Springston, Clk Protem

Saturday, October 13, 1894
The Triplett Church met and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting read and corrected. Treasurer reported $3.25 paid since last month. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in November.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clerk
November 10, 1894
Church met at 2 P.M. and after sermon by the Pastor, proceeded to business. Clerk absent-C. D. Springston was appointed Clk Protem. On motion Calvin Tyson, Filmore Tyson, Minny Tyson and Berthena Goff were granted letters to the Little Creek Church, and sister Prudy Riddle to the Spencer Church. On motion adjourned to meet at next regular meeting.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
C. D. Springston, Clk. Protem

Saturday December 8, 1894
The church met and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Treasurer reported $25.27 paid on the present year and $6.40 back on last year. He reported Sexton had been paid only $4.15. On motion the church proceeded to elect a Treasurer. Brother Theodore Bartlett was appointed to take a vote. Which resulted in the election of bro. C. D. Springston for Treasurer. On motion the granting of sister Goffs letter was rescinded. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in January.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston Clk

Note: December 15, 1894 Door of the church was opened and the following named persons presented themselves. On motion Mollie Springston was received into the church and the hand of fellowship extended to her. On motion sister Sadia Stine and brethern Frank McCoy and Fred D. Springston was received for baptism.

Dec. 17 1894
On motion Ancil Newlon was received for baptism and extended the hand of fellowship.
Note: Brethern Frank McCoy, Fred Springston and Ancil Newlon were baptized.


Saturday, January 12, 1895
The church met and after sermon by the Pastor, proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion, Jeff Springston was appointed to visit sister Jennie Riddel and Mary J. Springston. Treasurer reported $36.02 paid the Pastor for the present year and $4.40 back on last year, and Sexton $5.15 paid. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in Feb.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk.

Saturday, February 9, 1895
The church met and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion sisters Jennie Riddel and Mary J. Springston were granted letters of dismission and recommendation. On motion brethern W. A. McCoy and William Craig were appointed to settle with the Sexton and hire a Sexton. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in March.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk.

Saturday, March 9, 1895
The church met and sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. On motion the report of the committee was received and the committee continued. Treasurer reported $2.25 paid this month and $1.25 paid on the old year.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk.
Saturday, April 13, 1895
The church met and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. On motion, bro. and sister J. C. Bartlett were granted letters of dismission and recommendation to unite with the Spencer Baptist Church. The committee appointed to employ a Sexton reported they had employed brethern Fred Springston and Frank McCoy for fifty cents per month and if there were any special meeting there was to be a collection taken for them. The report was received and the committee discharged. Treasurer reported $1.50 paid on Pastor's salary also that the church is due the Sexton $3.90. On motion a committee was appointed to solicit subscription to the Pastor's salary. Names of committee Lizzie Newlon, Jemima Corder and C. D. Springston. On motion the time of meeting was changed from Saturday before the second Sunday to Saturday before the third Sunday in each month. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the third Sunday in May.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk.

Saturday, May 18, 1895
The church met and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Committee on Pastor's salary reported as follows: Jemima Corder $8.50, C. D. Springston $24.00 and Lizzie Newlon $10.25. Treasurer reported $2.25 on last year and $1.00 on present year. On motion the church proceeded to choose a Deacon. The vote being taken resulted in a tie between brethern S. J. Newlon and W. A. McCoy. On motion they were both declared the choice of the church by unanimous vote. On motion the Deacons and Ministers of Schilling, Rush Creek, Gilboa, Little Creek and Cedar Grove were invited to meet with Triplett Church on Saturday before the third Sunday in June to assist with the ordination of Deacons. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the third Sunday in June.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk

Saturday, June 15, 1895
The church met and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Jemima Corder $1.00 + 8.50 = $9.50 the amount of her subscription to the Pastor's salary. Treasurer: _______. Names of Ministers and Deacons present at the ordination of brethern S. J. Newlon and W. A. McCoy: J. N. Burdette, B. R. Williams and R. P. Burk, Ephram McCown, G. T. West, and M. Sorrel. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before third Sunday in July.
Rev. J. N. Fox., Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk.

July 20, 1895
The church met and after sermon, proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. C. D. Springston $4.50 subscribed on Pastor's salary + 24.50 = $28.50. Treasurer reported $1.25 on the old year and $4.50 on the present year. On motion the church prepaired to meet the Association. Names of delegates appointed: S. J. Newlon, W. A. McCoy and Jeff Springston. On motion the church made May and October the time for Communion. On motion the above motion was made a part of the Rules of Decorum. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the third Sunday in August.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk.

The Triplett Baptist Church August 17, 1895
On motion bro. W. A. McCoy was elected Moderator. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Treasurer reported $2.75 paid on last year and 25� on this year. Paid Sexton 85�. On motion bro. Wm. Craig was appointed to collect the back subscription for 1894. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the third Sunday in September.
W. A. McCoy, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk.
August 18, 1895
Letter to the Association read and adopted. Amount of missionary money collected $5.50 also $1.00 to be paid for the printing of minutes.

The Triplett Baptist Church September 14, 1895
The church met and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. On motion sister Clara Bartlett's report was received and committee discharged. Treasurer reported $1.50 on present year; also $2.50on last year and $2.10 paid to Sexton. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the third Sunday in October.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk.

The Triplett Baptist Church October 19, 1895
The church met and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion sister Martha (Springston) Goff was granted a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Spencer Baptist Church. On motion Bro. William Craig's report was received and committee discharged. Treasurer reported $2.60 on 94 and 1.25 on 95. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the third Sunday in Nov.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk.

November 16, 1895
The church met in regular session. Sermon by the Pastor after which S. J. Newlon was elected Clerk protem. Report of committee called for. None reported. Treasurer reported $3.65 collected since last report. On motion that 25 cents in the hands of the Treasurer be paid to Sextons. On motion adjourned to meet on regular time.
J. N. Fox, Moderator
S. J. Newlon, Clk Protem

December 14, 1895
The church met and after sermon by the Pastor proceeded to business. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Treasurer reported $2.50 paid on Pastor's salary and 50 cents paid to Sextons. On motion the church proceeded to raise money to buy one dozen Select Gems. On motion the church adjourned to meet on Saturday before the third Sunday in January.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Mod.
Jeff Springston, Clk.

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Articles Triplett Baptist Church - Records 1897-1902
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