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Author : Webmaster
Article ID : 201
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Version 1.00.01
Published Date: 2008/11/20 11:39:59
Reads : 5757


Jan 11, 1902
The church met and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
1. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
2. On motion, Brother C. D. Springston and sister Massalona Springston were granted letters of recommendation and dismission.
3. Treasurer reported $3.75 on pastor's salary and $.90 on incidental expenses since last report.
4. On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk
Feb. 8
The church met and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer reported $2.25 on pastor's salary and $.30 on incidental expenses since last report.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

March 8, 1902
The church met and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
On motion, sister Lillie West was granted a letter of recommendation and dismission.
Treasurer reported $5.20 on pastor's salary and $2.40 on incidental expenses since last report.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

April 12, 1902
The church met and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer reported $3.75 on last year's salary of pastor and $.75 on the present year and $15.00 on incidental expenses since last report.
The Pastor notified the church that he would tender his resignation at the regular meeting in May, 1902.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

May 10, 1902
The church met and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
On motion, sister Carrie Fields was granted a letter of recommendation and dismission.
The pastor tendered his resignation which the church considered, and the Clerk assisted by A. R. Thomas proceeded to take the ballot which was found to be as follows: Reception 5, Rejection 30.
On motion, the vote was made unanimous.
On motion, the moderator appointed brother W. A. McCoy and sisters Jemima Corder and C. E. Bartlett a committee to solicit subscriptions for pastor's salary for the present year.
J. S. West tendered his resignation as Clerk and Treasurer, which was rejected by a vote of the church.
Treasurer reported $2.20 on last year's salary of the pastor, $3.50 on present year, and $.10 on incidental expenses since the last report.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk
June 7, 1902
The church met and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved
Treasurer reported $2.25 on last year's salary, $8.00 on present year and 20 cts. on incidental expenses.
Brother W. A. McCoy reported ten dollars subscribed on pastor's salary, sister Jemima Corder $10.50 and sister C. E. Bartlett $34.25.
On motion, committee was continued.
On motion, the church invited the Ministers and Deacons meeting to convene with us at its annual session in August, 1902.
On motion, it was ordered that the church have a called session at the Upper Leather Bark School house in Calhoun County, June 14, 1902 for the purpose of receiving members into the church.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

The church met according to previous arrangement at the Upper Leather Bark schoolhouse, June 14, 1902, and after sermon by the pastor, was called to order for the transaction of business.
On motion brother A. S. Mace was received upon his baptism.
On motion, sister Katie Mace and brethern Ralph Mace, Otmer Mace and Robert Mace were received for baptism.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk
Sister Katie Mace and brethern Ralph Mace, Otmer Mace and Robert Mace were baptized by Rev. J. N. Fox, in Henry's Fork and the church extended the hand of fellowship to them and brother A. S. Mace.
J. S. West, Church Clerk

July 12, 1902 The church met and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Sister C. E. Bartlett reported $36.75 subscribed on pastor's salary.
On motion, the committee on pastor's salary was continued until work is completed.
Treasurer reported $9.00 on pastor's salary and $.20 on incidental expenses since the last report.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

Aug. 9, 1902 The church met and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
The clerk being absent, on motion, A. R. Thomas was elected Clerk ProTempore.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Sister C. E. Bartlett reported $38.25, sister J. B. Corder $15.50 and Bro. W. A. McCoy $10.50 subscribed on pastor's salary. On motion, the committee was continued.
On motion, the Moderator appointed brethern Robert Short, W. A. McCoy and sister Sophia Morford delegates to the Association.
The Moderator appointed sisters Florence Stalnaker, Ruby Morford and Jemima Corder a committee to solicit and collect money for Home and Foreign Missions.
Treasurer reported $5.35 on pastor's salary and $.10 on incidental expenses since the last report.
The Moderator appointed J. S. West to collect One Dollar for Minutes.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk
Sept. 13, 1902 The church met and after sermon by the pastor, proceeded to business.
On motion, brother J. W. Greathouse was granted a letter of recommendation and dismission
The committee on pastor's salary reported $67.50 subscribed, and on motion the report was received and the committee discharged.
On motion, the church sends her Deacons to Gilboa Church to assist in ordaining two deacons Sunday, Oct. 5, 1902.
Treasurer reported $3.50 on pastor's salary and $.20 on incidental expenses since the last report.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Ch. Clerk

Oct. 11, 1902 The church held regular service this evening and after service by the pastor, proceeded to business.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Being notified by the Baptist Church of Ravenswood that Bro. J. W. Greathouse had united with them, on motion he was dismissed by us.
Treasurer reported $1.00 on last year's salary of pastor, $3.25 on the present year and $.35 on incidental expenses since the last report.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, church Clerk

Nov. 8, 1902 The church met and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer reported $1.10 on last year's salary of pastor, $9.92 on present year and $.55 on incidental expenses.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

Dec. 13, 1902 The church met and after sermon by the pastor proceeded to business.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Treasure reported .25 on last year's salary of pastor and $.50 on present year and $.35 on incidental expenses since the last report.
On motion, adjourned.
Rev. J. N. Fox, Moderator
J. S. West, Church Clerk

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Articles Triplett Baptist Church - Records 1903-1907
Articles Triplett Baptist Church - Register
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